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Baba Naba

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  1. I live in Chiang Mai, Thailand which was 600 miles from the epicenter. Bangkok was 870 miles away. My house shook violently and swayed dramatically as my car rocked back and forth in the carport. After going through many tremors and quakes on the Adak, Alaska in the Aleutian chain where our island was surrounded by 3 active volcanos, this one actually scared me. I knew it had to have been at least a 7. Luckily nothing cracked and the house held up well although my pool looked like an angry sea! 😱
  2. Sad to see that over 70% of crime and sad news all stems from alcohol abuse...
  3. He was tweekin! Heart could not handle all that meth...
  4. https://scientificorigin.com/vaping-vs-smoking-is-one-better-than-the-other
  5. https://www.economist.com/leaders/2019/09/12/dont-panic-about-e-cigarettes
  6. My God I can smell the bull<deleted> from here! Almost every single line on your list is a LIE!!! Show me any references/proof for your blathering. https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2025/03/21/how-harmful-are-electronic-cigarettes
  7. We werent gentle in kicking your ass back to England either!
  8. Typical drunk <deleted> trying to blame his actions on someoneone else dosing him with DMT. DMT would have actually helped this <deleted> into being a beter human being. Nice try dip<deleted>. I wouldnt believe a word he says...
  9. When I was living in Germany, I was talking with my Gasthaus owner/bartender friend and he said to me "We like you Americans! You come and drink, get drunk and have a good time. But we do not like the Brits. They come and drink, get drunk and FIGHT! I think it is a part of their culture...". Also the fact that we Americans were guests in German and needed permission to be there, the UK did not. They were a occupying force from the end of WWII until 1990 when the wall came down. I was there when it did...
  10. When all else fails, whip up some curry...
  11. Where can I find a follow up story to this? Maybe a professional photo shoot? I would love to see it. My Thai wife is also like this. Stunningly beautiful with or without make up. Perfect skin, teeth and shape. But the most beautiful thing about her is what is in her heart and soul, not her physical attributes. 🥰 She is also a mother of two young boys whom I have adopted.
  12. Be careful out there! They hunt in packs!!! 😧
  13. I would think it would be harder to get it through UKs customs rather that Thailands. Are they catching any of this at theire destinations? IMHO it should be legal world wide, like booze or cigarettes. 🙄
  14. Tell her plastic surgeon to please tie her tubes.... 🙄
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