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Baba Naba

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  1. Dang! No video? I would have loved to seen that!!! 😁
  2. He did not duplicate it. The title office did. He must have forged his wifes signature on the DUPLICATE he got from the title office.
  3. Now THAT makes sense.... If both owners signature are required...
  4. Who's to say that his wife did not tell him it was lost???
  5. Who's to say that his wife did not tell him it was lost???
  6. Hmmm.... hard to cheat at a pool game if your opponent is watching.
  7. Show me were secondary vapers has ever harmed anyone! FYI my vapors never left my personal space.
  8. If it was a replacement deed, then it was not forged, just duplicated and it was a legal document. Am I missing something?
  9. If the rule is "do not offend anyone" than I have obeyed that rule being that they are ignorant of me getting my nic fix in public.
  10. Not proud, just confident that I can get my nicotine fix pretty much anywhere without offending anyone.
  11. I receive both my Social Security and my VA disability pensions directly deposited into Bangkok Bank. Both of these incomes are non-taxable in the USA and can see no way they can be taxed here. Is there a fine for not getting a TIN or filing here? I'll just make some more popcorn and watch this soap opera play out...
  12. They havent used tin in over 50 years. They use aluminum now.... 😁
  13. “Foreigners aren’t afraid of Thai laws because they can pay fines.” and the Thai just ignore the fines... At least you get revenue from the foreigners...
  14. OK. if I am not fooling anyone then why has not a single stewardess said anything to me on the countless flights I have vaped on? You are the deluded one...

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