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Marcel Samson

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  1. I am married Stay now on a Non-O single entree (No financial requirements BEFORE) Netherlands / 64 years almost 65 I not have the financial requirements (400K) Live with wife in Bangkok thank you Jack and others
  2. Thank you so far everybody Sorry about my non knowledge of understanding If i not meet the requirements for obtaining my visa in Thailand (400K) then i have no choice to do a borderun to Cambodia where i can get a Visa Exempt If i am informed well i get 60 days and i can get a extension of 60 day (visit wife) So instead of a Non-O i get a Tourist visa I will loose 1 month I also need to stay 3 night in Cambodia according to Borderun agency Costs 4000 baht incl Visa Cambodia Then i have 4 month time to get the finance for obtaining again a Non -O Hope i am correct about this
  3. Best mr Jack I hope you can help me further I have/apply only for a SINLGE entree NON-O Visa You mentioned (as i am now in Thailand) that i can NOT apply E-Visa here in Thailand Can i use a VPN? Are there now financial requirmnets If i apply online (in other country or use VPN) must i do that 2 week before? Its very difficult for me to understand..sorry about that If i not meet financaial requirements...is there another option like Tourist Exempt Visa (which i fall in those countries) But then i have to go also to another country? Can i extend examplre a Exempt (visa) with 60 days based on visit my wife? Thank you helping me Sorry about my non knowledge of undertanding
  4. I just read a lot about the new E visa per 01-01-2025 I am married and i usually do a visarun to Savannakhet where i stay 1-2 nights I made a appointment online I not need financial requirements Is this now all changed per 01-01-2025 Can i apply online while i am in Thailand?? Do i need financial requirements now? I must wait 10-15 days .Can i wait in Thailand? or must i go Laos and there wait 2 weeks? Maybe somebody can explain step by step how i must do now My Non-O /extension willexpires 28 february 2025 Must i apply E visa 2 weeks before I had a accident and my knowledge and undersanding is worse Thank you all
  5. Why does it have to be 13 May...........i have no other options/time Why you going to Savannakhet. To obtain another single entry non O ? Yes,withour financiele requirments Single entree
  6. I did have a Non-O visa (married) single entree and extended that with 60 days It will expire by 10 may,but my Visarun by land (Savannakhet) is on 13 may How i solve this problem Must i go Wattana? Can i "overstay" for 3 days and pay a fine with NO consequences Please suggestions
  7. I think also that there is no benefit to change your NON-O (marry) to NON-B Maybe i am totally wrong I am married and have now a 60 day extension based on visit my wife My wife and i have a company here in Thailand,however i not "work",i am just a share holder On my research to change my visa into NON B,i not see benefits With my NON-O visa (single entree) i can stay every time 90 days + 60 day extension With a NON-B i can get 30-90-1 or 2 year workpermit but i have to leave each 90 days Maybe i am totally wrong about this and other members can tell what option better is.
  8. Thank you so far,still some questions 3.Is a bankstatement ok from my bank OR update bankbook (copy or real) 4.The bankstatement is 1-2 days old,because the bank are closed (songkrahn) 5.How much must be on the bank (single entree)
  9. Hi everyone I am planning to get a new NON-O visa single entree in Pnompenh Cambodia I am married with thai This is the first time i do this in Cambodia 1.Do i need a appointment 2.Can i still walk in at 11.00 h 3.Is a bankstatement ok from my bank OR update bankbook (copy or real) Thank you 4.The bankstatement is 1-2 days old,because the bank are closed (songkrahn) 5.How much must be on the bank (single entree) I will go on 17 or 18 April Thank you
  10. We stay in Bangkok Maybe Savannakhet a option There is a Thai Consulat in Macau,Can she ask there for a single entree visa? THX Folks
  11. Hello lovely people Philipina coming on 15 april from Macau to Bangkok on a visa on arrival,which gives her 30 days + 30 day extension. My question is: Can she do a quick borderun (in 1 day) and come back again on a visa on arrival and get a 30 day extension again. I understand she can do that over land twice a year We thinking to do that in Poipet,maybe you folks have a better solution She is now in Macau and i think that she can not ask for a single tourist visa (60 day) through the E-visa system, because she is at this moment not in her home country. Suggestions please Thank you all
  12. You got a Multi entree a 5000 baht with bankproof 400.000 baht What is the financial requirement for e SINGLE entree NON-O...? (90 days) Thank you
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