Teachers here are absolutely worthless and I lump all (95%) of the foreign, unlicensed teachers, lazy af, incompetent in with the Thai as well.
On top of that - the entire 19th C teaching model is no longer fit for purpose. It's a total waste of time. All students should be interacting with and learning online. Doubly so now with CGPT. A revolution has occurred and both Thai and farang teachers are clueless.
Best students now study online + have Thai tutors. Classroom is just holding cell.
The students are in pain with the BS assignments the foreign teachers force on students. They are far smarter than the braindead teachers think - they know that rubbish assignment, cobbled together in fifteen minutes and that dumbass tired worksheet will not help them learn English or much of anything. Then, these teachers howl that the students aren't doing THEIR work. Meanwhile, they pump out other work from thoughtful, earnest, dedicated teachers.
It's time to stop blaming students for a teacher's incompetence.
Check your child's school's onets. Go talk to their English teachers. Are you impressed? 💩