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  1. Tiktokers= brain dead. Maelstrom of misinformation and disinformation
  2. Not really, imagine she's got dozens on a string online. Just plays them one at a time as they roll in. Many years ago I had a lot of gf in Pattaya. They used to hate when their dumb farang actually come visit. The money would cease those weeks, she'd be on the hook to entertain 24/7 knowing the bloke would give them nothing more than a gift /or few thousand baht at end bc they are a thing after all πŸ˜†
  3. First, this is pure speculation. I can easily see reasoning Immigration developing the following mindset. We have a one year extension for you. It is based upon you living in Thailand. As you are in country less than half the year - de facto, you are not living in Thailand. If you are not domiciled / resident you are undeserving of a non immigrant resident visa. Nevertheless, we are a big hearted lot. We will grant your request if you file tax form in Thailand πŸ˜‚ Again, conjecture, but seems an easy way to force compliance.
  4. New BKK post article today 27 June. Seems like nothing new but solidifying what is known. Pure speculation, but not only do I expect that that immigration will do cursory check of those on long extension - I could also see them not issuing annual extension of stay for those not in country 180 days. I fully expect immigration to have some part of not enforcement but gatekeeper.
  5. They certainly do at the schools in which they teach. That's all EP, IP programs as well as accelerated English. Not where most of you lot teach at 35k. It's so funny, the defense. I've known the better part of 100 teachers in greater Bangkok. I presume BKK is the best of the lot. I would hire only about 5-10%. You all know this well. Call the truth and insult to avoid confronting it as fact. Note: all *teachers* jump in, get hostile and defensive because it's really do true. Teachers never own up to their failures. It's not a requirement of the job. That's why it's so appealing especially overseas. Not meaning to hijack thread.
  6. Don't think that such a thing in 70s California when all parties are under 18. But, to be honest I was since 15 chasing all the 17-21 yos I could score. Not really certain of the point you're making. In Thailand it's 15. Incongruent facts
  7. Here's another country Thailand ought to watch closely. Not much reason for them to be in Thailand in the first place
  8. Obviously, 2bdr doesn't exist and that is one reason you're out in another province altogether. Pinklao maybe Probably get an entire shop house out there for that money. 2bdr under 55sqm no good anyway as bdrs too small. Where's all that USDA prime steak for 250kg?
  9. 25-30k one bedroom, 45-50sqm. Close to MRT and/or BTS. Depends what you consider nice. Nothing jaw dropping, but a peg or two above typical
  10. Thailand has it all now or at least Bangkok. Proper whisky or whiskey Shave cream Antiperspirant deodorant Immersion coil 😁 3-4 boxer short, 3 shorts, four shirts. A bathing suit if you have one. A quality, (waist), thin money belt. If English, brown diabetic sauce If English - stilton cheese. If English, doubt you'll need large size condom but maybe ?? bring from home. If English do yourself a favor and wear proper shirt not a T or especially team jersey. Something for upset stomach you know and trust Buy a mid phone here, anything else you need. It's all here now. Don't bring sunscreen. Buy Japanese or Korean here. Much better for sun and skin. Do not wear cargo shorts, singlets or bath flip flops anywhere*
  11. 555 yeah, but those are the single Indians in Pattaya.
  12. I'm surmising this isn't the kind of different they are after. Probably most will find it revolting
  13. Imagine this is gonna be a big hit with the Arab, Russian and Indian families. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  14. Where did this story come from? Searching the direct quote in Google yields only this posting.
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