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Everything posted by YouAgain

  1. Sadly you make lots of noise and have no idea WTF you are talking about. Donald Trump’s grandfather, Friedrich Trump – born Friedrich Drumpf – emigrated to the US from Germany in 1885 at the age of 16
  2. Time for a new one. Heir Drumpf and family. It's legal now, the supreme court just said so. Be careful what you ask for man, cause you might just get it.
  3. What I am saying is that I want the remnants at least of democracy, from which we can rebuild, as opposed to a dictatorship with a complete idiot and megalomaniac at the top.
  4. Here's the problem. The U.S. has a tricameral system. The supreme court has no current ethical rules that have any bite, no term limits, and current court has zero checks other than passage of new laws that might get overturned by supreme court anyway. So it's a complete mess. There is a solution to increase size of supreme court to 13, which I think Joe should do, cause heir Drumpf will do it anyway. Then Senate could hurry through the US Supreme court nominees with Senate at 50-50 and VP tie breaker. Nominate 4 liberal judges, approve them before november with VP tiebreaker, then reverse the garbage passed by MAGA nuts judges. Time to get serious.
  5. Wrong. If all your cabinet members are yes men, and even if they aren't, then any action taken by the president as part of 'defending the country' would/could be construed as official duties. Doesn't matter if known or not. It's a cluster<deleted> and could be the unweaving of the U.S....
  6. The supreme court has ultimate control in the U.S. Guess you didn't realize that.
  7. Joe can send in Seal team 6 and the extremist supreme court has him covered. Take heir Drumpf and his entire family out. Way better than WW3.
  8. Time to take out the trash. Before november. The rules changed and time to save the country and world from a disgusting POS that will bring it all down.
  9. It's similar to when the engine light goes off. Time for an overhaul, new engine, replace the tranny. High mileage. Gimme the low mileage gal every time.
  10. Gambling has done such nice things for Sihanoukville....Oh wait. As of Jan 2024... Currently, there are 362 officially confirmed buildings that stand unfinished in Sihanoukville, requiring over $1 billion in investment to complete. An additional 176 buildings have been completed but are not yet operational and stand empty.
  11. A quick search shows 3 notable sewage leaks in Pattaya in the last 3 months and including one 3 days ago. Not even close to 'Premier' level. Photo from late March 2024 at Jomtien Beach.
  12. I would laugh if it weren't so disgusting, and sad, for the Thai people. 🙄 🤢😭
  13. There was a similar, perhaps same guy, around Asoke BTS elevated walkway. I rarely give money to beggars. I gave that dude 1000B. He looked at me like I was from outer space. He looked to me like he really could use a bit of help. Better to donate to a charity doing field work with homeless folks, in general.
  14. Should be 555 baht fines. Ha ha ha. I'll show myself out.
  15. Fox News Poll May 10 - 13, 2024: Abortion, economy, and border security are top deal-breakers in 2024 elections Sometimes there is an issue so important to a voter that it alone decides whether they can back a candidate or not. In 2024, three issues meet that criteria more than others: abortion, border security, and the economy all fight for the top "deal-breaker" spot, with different groups of voters citing each. At 15%, abortion edges out the economy and border security/immigration (each at 14%) as the biggest deal-breaker issue.
  16. Agreed, especially because of the Roe v Wade abortion issue being on state ballots as referendums...the female turnout will be MASSIVE...those suburban female swing voters are gonna leave a mark!!
  17. So many MAGA acronyms thrown around in this thread, as if those outside the cult know what they are. Just reiterates to me that it is truly a cult.
  18. Did a google search on the photo in this article. Guess what the below means? It means the photo of rice in the article has NOTHING to do with the 10 year old rice from the Thai scheme, other than being rice. The actual 10 year old rice is yellowish brown and looks...10 years old. img src="https://geneticliteracyproject.org/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/png-Rice-cc-pub-hand-q8jhmo8y47i4xt48i5q6ohltkwuzxijcu82hwvrh1a.png" Here is what the actual 10 year old rice looks like. Foul. src="https://thethaiger.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/สกรีนช็อต-2024-05-19-145758.jpg"
  19. Glad there's no rules currently for pets wandering in Thai airports, cause I don't go anywhere without my comfort pony.
  20. Just remember to crank up the price of cigs to make Ba-Ba-Ba-Billions of Baht! 🤑
  21. Good for you sniffing it out! I nearly got scammed too via auction site and PayPal...as a seller. I tried to sell 3 laptops on eBay auction site and had basically zero experience as a seller on auction sites. Immediately got 12 offers over the asking price...I checked the profiles and most had zero history on the site. Got suspicious... The scam goes like this: they make an offer, you accept, they pay with PayPal. Then they ask you to ship it somewhere else other than the PayPal verified address (or as a variant are from a neighboring country). They claim they never received the item and get refund, and you're sunk, out the money and out of the item. Often they'll be from a different country e.g. Canada instead of U.S. in my case, and the shipment tracking goes blank at the border. My understanding was that PayPal would have backed me up had I sent to a PayPal verified address...but glad I didn't have to test it. Eventually a legit buyer came through and it was OK for me, but I barely 'spit the hook' to use a fishing term. So many scams out there! 😬
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