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  1. Care to share the source of this research? I am especially interested in the "long-term vaping is dangerous to your health." It would be terribly difficult to do that on product that hasn't existed long-term. I don't think vaping is healthy, but used correctly for the purpose it was created, it can be a very valuable tool. I smoked for 40 years, just couldn't stop. Stopped smoking and switched to vaping. Vaped only nicotine, no flavours. Then I stopped vaping without any problems after a few years. You should be able to vape if you do it so stop smoking and with a doctor's prescription only.
  2. Thank you everyone for the info. I will be staying in a hotel, so I have all the time in the world to look around when I come to Hua Hin. There are a few condos that look promising based on location, so I will probably do as suggested and go and ask there directly.
  3. Thank you, good to know!
  4. Thank you for your reply! I have been looking at places in the 30000 - 40000 baht range, but if I find something really incredible I can pay a little bit more.
  5. I am going to rent an apartment, house or condo in September for a year or longer. Probably something with 2 bedrooms. So I have a few questions regarding renting in Hua Hin: - how much can I expect to pay for utilities, using A/C and shower a lot? - if I rent from a real estate agency, who pays the commission? - any commonly known pitfalls to avoid? - any local reliable real estate agency with website? - anything else I should be aware of?
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