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Everything posted by shift99

  1. Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. She does not need to depend on me financially but i do share the load with her on school fees and expenses. Going to court is the last resort when I say that its because I wanted to have her consensus to legitimize myself as a parent so that things are easier when I bring my child over to my country for holiday, plan stuff for him, and so on, without the intention to take my child away from her but I was rejected. And for my child's sake, I don't really want to traumatize my child and put him through the court process if possible. My relationship with my child has been very good and we are close until I've been denied access. Referring to DTL2014's comment, would you mind sharing how is the agreement legally enforced if she continue to deny access even after agreement has been made? Is AAA referring to Advanced Adjusting Associates?
  2. Thanks all for the replies. Yea, every now and then is in fact quite frequent, whenever I can. The location is in Bangkok. I do heard that even if there's a court order and the mother continue to deny access, at the most we have to go back to the court and petition again. Each time it could take months to do so and it drags on and the same cycle can happen again. Not like after 3 times disobey court, the other parent will lose custody, occur penalty etc. At least that's what I think based on what I've observed from other's experiences and stories. I hope to be wrong. If anyone has been successful in this area please let me know. Actually, going to court is a last resort and it seems like there isn't any other options..
  3. Hi all, I'm aware that there are many discussions regarding this topic so if I'm required to remove this and post somewhere else, please let me know. I'm reaching out to seek some advice, recommendations. My child is a Thai citizen while I'm not, and my child is living with his mother. My name is not on his birth cert but I have DNA done at the local hospital quite some time ago. I have been visiting my child every now and then and helping out with school fees and expenses. How hard is it for me to obtain parental rights or joint custody? (Assuming the only way is through court..) I've read stories that even if the parent has managed to obtain parental rights/joint custody, it is difficult to enforce the agreement for visitation/access to my child and so on. Eg. The mother can deny my access or become "unavailable" when I go over to visit and each time I would have to go back to the court. There could be no end to it. Is that true? What can be done? And if both parents could not arrive at an agreement, the court may decide on our behalf (ie visitation and amount of time i can spend with my child, child support, decisions etc.) which may be of a disadvantage to the foreign parent. Do you guys have any recommendations for reputable law firms/lawyers to handle such cases? Thank you in advanced..
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