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Everything posted by Encee

  1. In 10 days time I am having my very first vacation in Thailand and I asking if I could get some suggestions about the thai food while I am there. I am wanting to try food that is only mild to zero spicy. I do like food with lot of rice and pork.. meat and some vegetables. (too spicy food does not agree with me). Could of you suggest the names some different dishes to try. I would really be so grateful for any suggestions.. thank you.. Acouple of weeks ago on this forum many of you gave me some very helpful suggestions about where to go and see in Thailand and I was now able to plan my 3 weeks holiday following lots of suggestions many members gave me.. Thank you all again.
  2. Encee

    Bangkok vacation

    hello... to those of you who have taken the time to send the suggestions about my posting i thank you all so very much i really do apreciate your efforts. Now that I have read what has been suggested I have much to think about now and i will change some of my original ideas and not spend so much time in Bangkok. One of you mentioned a place called hua hin and I looked it up on YouTube ad decided that I will indeed go there for some of the vacation.. im looking at booking. com for a good place to stay for maybe 1 week or 10 days.. Again thank you all so very much for your input. This old codger is a bit more wiser now about where in thailand.... 🤩
  3. Encee

    Bangkok vacation

    my mobility issue is minor. I use walking stick for walking
  4. Encee

    Bangkok vacation

    hi members i apologise for asking this again about Bangkok accommodation as I'm sure it been asked many times... I am having a 3 week vacation in Thailand for the very first time. Recently I lost my wife and I need to get away from australia to come to grips with everything. I really need some help I finding a suitable hotel or accomadaion in bangkok.. I have been checking booking sites but really confused about locations. Also I am a little disabled. 75 years old. I am wanting to see the terminal 21 mall and take a river cruise as well as other sites in bangkok and vicinity I'm trying to find a reasonable priced hotel or even maybe private condo I can rent for about 2 weeks. I need to be close to transport and the attractions with ease of getting about with all the hassles of not knowing where to go and when.. can anyone please assist me with hotel advises and also a bit of an itiniary for a 2 to 3 weeks vacation.. any assistance will be greatly appreciated... BTW I arrive on 27 June
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