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Everything posted by Darius1

  1. RESPECT-it has to earned. Why do such shallow and psychopathic people expect "respect"? Is it maybe the culture, movies, hip-hop and rap music, or just plain idiocy? This attitude is to be expected in the Age of Influencers.
  2. When your government does not protect you and have regular mandatory Health Inspections-what would you expect? I am always leery of Street Food-especially when you see the vendor "washing" dishes in the gutter and allowing food to be exposed to the heat instead of iced down. Maybe, letting food "cook" in the heat and sun cuts down on cooking time.......
  3. Any grading system that allows a 50% as passing is doomed to failure. A "high" grade (as stated in the article) or what is considered an "A" does not mean a 93% or greater but what was previously a "C" with a score of 80%. If you applied the universal standard of minimum 70% to "pass" the failure rate would probably be at least double. Thailand would be better served by upping the standards instead of "passing" those that are lost.
  4. Any grading system that allows a 50% as passing is doomed to failure. A "high" grade (as stated in the article) or what is considered an "A" does not mean a 93% or greater but what was previously a "C" with a score of 80%. If you applied the universal standard of minimum 70% to "pass" the failure rate would probably be at least double. Thailand would be better served by upping the standards instead of "passing" those that are lost.
  5. Any grading system that allows a 50% as passing is doomed to failure. A "high" grade (as stated in the article) or what is considered an "A" does not mean a 93% or greater but what was previously a "C" with a score of 80%. If you applied the universal standard of minimum 70% to "pass" the failure rate would probably be at least double. Thailand would be better served by upping the standards instead of "passing" those that are lost.
  6. Since the legal driving age for a car is 18y/o-why is the age lowered to 15y/o for motorcycles which are more dangerous than cars?
  7. If banning marijuana is about "protecting" the Thai people and culture then alcohol should be banned first. Smoking marijuana has never killed anyone-yet alcohol (which according to a simple search) kills 20,000+ yearly with millions addicted-including over a million youth. So if it is NOT about safety-then it has to be about money. If just "weed" was sold, no edibles or other forms beyond just the flower there should be no social issues. It has been marketed this way for 1,000s of years without major problems.
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