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  1. If i get sick insurance cover my tickets or other valid reasons.So i feel safe at anytime i need assistance.
  2. I have a feeling that after they get alot of money from gofound me he will recover fast and he and his family will enjoy a long holiday in the beach.I dont trust this stories at all. I pay about 200£ a year for my insurance.Im covered 60 days abroad for every trip starting when im leave my front door at home in my country.
  3. When i lived in kap choeng in surin near the border to Cambodia i was shocked how many thais crossing the border in daily bases for going to the casino.Loan sharks was wery happy i guess.
  4. I rang the bell 2 times and get charged about 70.000 bath I didn't even check my bill because i trusted them. After i get discount 50% for every bill i got for the next 3 weeks.Behave and trust is the key if u want to be treated nice.
  5. His a big disgrace to the American people.I feel really sorry for the Americans who have a president like this.
  6. Thailand only care about the imagine trillion of baht.I remember my exwife who wanted me to pay her 1000 euro after she get a fully paid work in Norway.Her salary is 5000 euro a month.I shove her the middle finger.Thais is extremely focused in money.They don't care about human rights.
  7. Good to hear that.I pay about 200 US a year for my insurance.Thats nothing compared to the bill from hospital. People is so stupid going to another country and think this will not happen to them.And after big problem.
  8. Rigth.My insurance dont pay anything if like that.I dont have a driving license so they would not cover anything. I get food poison last year in Bangkok..cost 40.000 bath a day.Hospital called my insurance..no problem at all.Stayed 4 days in a really nice room at the hospital.Insurance called me everyday and their oartner in Bangkok vidit me 2 times a day.The partner picked me up when everything was ok and brought me back to my hotel.Insurance help if ur valid for help I know a foreigner who get the bill about 10 million baht.He is stucked in Thailand until he can oay the bill
  9. I meet a munk at a bustation in hua-hin.I just had a figth with my exgf.And we sat and talking about this. I speak thai well so i listening to his advice I follow hat he said to me and after everything feels better. We couldn't sit together in the bus but it was a pleasant time before we went to Bangkok.
  10. Time to demand criminal records.After the scumbags want come.
  11. Now the policechief in Thailand told the police to clear everything in 7 days.The foreigner who brake the laws will be deported.This mean all over Thailand but specially in PAI and Phuket.
  12. Kick out the male foreigners without foreskin.Problem solved.
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