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Joe Boy Walton

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  1. Jeebus mate! Where did that come from?
  2. I'd hazard a guess and say that mice couldn't give a rats razoo, "Get in, get it done" is my take on a mouse's mindset.
  3. Didn't this guy get sick and go home? And was caught at home? How were the "Thai authorities" involved in this other than saying "yep, he was here"?
  4. So where did he get the one note harmonica from? If it's illegal to import them he has a dealer somewhere, that dealer has a supply chain which relies on distributors, smugglers, couriers, money launderers etc. who use bribery, extortion and violence to gain access to resources and often intimidate or bribe law enforcement. I think this simple act is the tip of the iceberg, organised crime, drug cartels, paramilitary groups will be on the rise and any future tourism opportunities will be under threat, I would go so far as to say this guy vaping will be the tipping point for a major upheaval in the South East Asian political arena, ultimately involving China, highlighting corrupt systems throughout the world and causing global conflict on an unimaginable scale, resulting in the downfall of the human race. Or not.
  5. Legal issues [edit] Main article: Operation Ore Townshend accepted a caution from the Metropolitan Police (the Met) as part of Operation Ore, a major investigation on child sexual abuse images conducted in 2002–2003. The Met stated that "it was established that Mr Townshend was not in possession of any downloaded child abuse images". Townshend was on a sex offenders register for five years, beginning in 2003, after admitting he had used his credit card to access a child sexual abuse images website.[151][152] Townshend said he accessed the images as research in a campaign against child sexual abuse[153]—specifically, to prove that British banks were complicit in channelling the profits from paedophile rings.[154] Authorities could not prove that the website accessed by Townshend involved children, and no incriminating evidence was found on his personal computer.[155]
  6. The things not said in this article speak volumes.
  7. Brilliant! Get em' off the streets. That picture though. Guy is face down and hands tied behind his back and the copper is going for his gun. Ha Ha. That's some wild west cowboy grit right there.
  8. So, Buddha was a bit of a tourist back in the day, mostly Northern India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. His disciples liked a bit of a drink (and other mind altering substances) so he subscibed them to asceticism to cure them of this which, when fully adopted, cleared his and their minds and brought their focus into the Nagas, or Serpent Beings. The worship of these "snakes" has evolved, in time, to the activities which are currently the drawcards and showcases of places like Pattaya, Phuket and Chiang Mai. You can get a good "snake" massage at any of these places (and more), at any time. So there you have it, good old Buddha, a forward thinker and the saviour of the SE Asian tourist industry. By the way, in Tibet, Buddha is known as Don Grub, I kid you not.
  9. I had to go back a ways but I found it! https://www.yahoo.com/news/buddhist-monk-thailand-found-drunk-234151098.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAM3cQ3Qi3-NIu3inpOkE72K981tCt5_VvExnD1xqBDcQRNTwDYHlKLX8QzyOeteLIzEi1LmHB8PBQiaG78pQSgNqFBsV4f-PjO4MTqxkbHdEfmAeNoTUekL8PNwtmfZ0MFMP-9H_GNePWeP3xfkGwloULxpXfgvyxQmDrCRPbpPn
  10. So what "public order" was threatened by Mr Undertheradar?
  11. Nuts off, then into the aggravated assault/violent crime section.
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