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Smilin in Thailand

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  1. Chernobyl and Fukushima are still in meltdown. They just poured concrete over the reactors. Not a permanent solution. But the radiation problem builds very slowly. But very steadily. This will continue for millions of years. Also, this facilitates the Thai military with the capacity to make it's own nukes. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....
  2. I'm guessing that the 10% who evaded arrest did so by either escaping their captors or by greasing their palms with THBs.
  3. Were the pipes already used? Did they have resin and weed tar crammed into the nooks and cranies? Just curious, cuz I'm always paranoid of Weed Dogs sniffing it out. So I dose mine with ethyl alcohol before I pack them in my carry on. BTW. did Bangkok to Phnom Penh with my Crafty in my carry on - zero problems at airport going in and same at the land border returning to BK.
  4. OK, Ima change it (if I could, but it does not seem possible) to: Knot Smilin 17x in Thailand I'll let you figure that one out. lol
  5. Actually no, the cheaper ladies all have STDs. So after a 10,000 THB trip to the doc yer out 12000 THB lol But, hey ... nice try Sigmund. Can I get up off the couch now?
  6. Yup, I was very dumb. Never do it again. And no, I'm not a troll. I am a man short 50,000 baht. Please don't waste your time with further accusations.
  7. I was with my ex, we were dancing and drinking. I decided I should prove to her that I had money, so I tossed her 50,000 baht wrapped in a rubber band. We continued to party until closing time and then I asked for my money back. She refused to give me back the 50,000 baht. She is a mother with 2 kids. I don't want to make her life difficult, but I don't think that I should let her get away with this - it won't do her or her family any good living off theft!
  8. Since my comment was very clearly focused on the current subject matter - you are ironically defining your own comment, not mine.
  9. Free thinking people have a right to think and act autonomously. Brain washed fools like you just want us to shut up and get with the program. You will become extinct because you are spineless and incapable of rational thought.
  10. Submit to authority! Don't dare think for yourself! You are a mindless automaton and will do as you are told. This is what OP is really saying to you.
  11. Cash is yours. You are in complete control. Do you like money? Do you like being able to spend it? Give it all to the bank and they will find a way to keep you from it. Fees, taxes, leans, account freezes, internet down, tech glitches, hackers stealing and worse of all INSIDER CORRUPTION. This is what awaits you if you believe cashless is the way to go. Say goodbye to your money. Become poor. Be a slave.
  12. My phone cannot connect to Food Panda on True Wifi. However, with my AIS Mobile data it works fine. What's up?
  13. Right after I GET DOWN! And I like to GET DOWN a lot. 5555555
  14. This article is long on trump hate and very short on context. We don't get a clip of his 'anti-semetic' rant. Why? Because it doesn't exist. Don't forget: his daughter married a prominent NYC jew boy. Let's be clear: Trump is an idiot. A used car salesman pretending to be president. And apparently a spring board for Dems to spin off propaganda BS. Don't be just another lemming. Think for yourself.
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