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  1. First, there are statistically no "uneducated" voters in the USA regardless of political party affiliation. Second, If by "uneducated" you intended to imply those without a high-school diploma feel free to cite your current evidence from reputable sources. According to my knowledge, and yes, I am aware of the current data the margin of difference is currently negligible and trending towards the Democrats being the party of the most "educated". 'Cognitive ability and <USA, political> party identity: No important differences between Democrats and Republicans'- by Yoav Ganzach, Tel Aviv University, September 2016. Third, and more to the point: What is the correlation between a Thai being financially scammed and whether more "uneducated" Americans vote for Democrats, Republicans, third parties or vote at all? BTW- As of 2020, 48% of American Democrats have a four-year college degree, versus 31% of Republicans. Survey Center on American Life, July 29, 2022, by Kyle Gray. Fourth, speaking of scams, if your agenda is to imply that those who currently support the US Republican party versus the Democratic party are more intelligent people overall I suggest you pay close attention to fact-checkers regarding all candidates, particularly to Trump/Vance who have abysmal and dangerous records to the point of employing the Big Lie repeatedly to manipulate their gullible supporters. The current facts are that the increase in education reflects an increase by a wide margin in those who report voting for Democrats most of the time. As many of us know, school education is but one facet of increased critical thinking skills. 'A Wider Ideological Gap Between More and Less Educated Adults' - Pew Research Center, April 26, 2016.
  2. He should receive years in prison for possession of each photo and/or video. Who knew Scotland was so permissive when it comes to the sexual abuse of children? (me for one). In American lingo, his sentence is a "slap on the wrist". Thailand should request he be deported so he can be sentenced appropriately. Shame on Scotland's judicial system.
  3. Each photo or video should be one criminal count of sexual abuse of a child. He should never be free again. Life without parole.
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