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  1. “The Thai authorities have said it was drowning" What do they base that conclusion on?
  2. Are Trump's Threats to Take Greenland, the Panama Canal, and invade Canada to make them an American state serious?' Does it matter at this time or are the media (journalists, podcasters, news hosts) and individuals being deflected from what is important, at this time? I posit people and media are once again being played like a fiddle by Don-the-Con as he turns attention from his promised "perfect phone call" to terminate the Putin-Ukraine War in <24 hours before his inauguration or not producing concrete details on his "concepts of a plan" regarding American healthcare that will "be great" and replace the ACA that he has had 10 years to work on. "I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf,” Trump, August, 2016. In 2019 Trump spent 1 of every five days of his Presidency golfing. Will people ever learn? There is a good reason US Sen. (R-TX) Ted Cruz called him a pathological liar in 2016.
  3. The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe; for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.
  4. The bus driver lacks the maturity to retain his employment or seek future employment as a driver of any commercial vehicle ever. He is more than old enough to know better. His lack of self-control is that of a teenager with poor parenting.
  5. "the South Korean man has not yet filed a complaint with Thai police." He will learn section 341 of the Thailand Criminal Code, Thai lawyers and Thai corruption. Also, "easy come, easy go" I doubt he worked hard for the money he lost, that's why he lost it. That's what most of us have in common.
  6. Obviously, that will not occur thus your post is possibly ignorant but most assuredly stupid.
  7. Willing does not mean they go. I am willing to own a Ferrari.
  8. No, I am not. I am addressing your reply that my post was "too many words" and your inability to respond to it. You remind me of Trump refusing to attend and read the daily White House National Security briefings because he could not pay attention according to Pentagon Officials in those meetings. They had to resort to graphics.....pictures.
  9. Which is why in nearly every democratic country with universal access healthcare with private insurance those with adquate funds can go to the front of the line. For those without at least they have hope of getting healthcare though yes, they may have to wait their turn. For those without sufficient capital in the USA and unwilling to incur costs they cannot possibly repay they must chose no healthcare. There's a good reason most democracies have universal access healthcare and that the USA is an outlier. Some of the same reasons Americans recently re-elected a deplorable 45th & 47th POTUS the convicted felon (34 counts), convicted sexual abuser (a rapist in the words of the judge), repeatedly convicted business fraudster, state and federal quadruply indicted of some of the most serious crimes in a democracy, Vietnam War draft-dodger, infamously dishonest Republican, Christian supported man that inherited his wealth who referred to WW1 American Veterans that gave their life for their country as "loser & suckers".
  10. "I love the uneducated" simple enough for you?
  11. Where have I heard that before?....oh, yeah.... Lest some have forgotten willfully or not: *"I alone can fix the nation's problems. I have a message for all of you, the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th of 2017, safety will be restored. The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens."* - Donald Trump Republican candidate for POTUS from the RNC stage before the world July, 2016. *American fools* & *"We are going to stop the inflow of drugs into New Hampshire and into our country 100%,"* Trump promised in 2016. It was a major campaign issue. Overdoses were surging in battleground states key to the election, like New Hampshire, Ohio and Pennsylvania. *In 2017 — Trump's first year in office — more than 47,600 Americans died from illegal drug overdoses* according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2018- 63.367-dead 2019- 70,630-dead 2020- 91,799-dead *American fools*
  12. Are you unaware one can be an American while never setting foot in the country?
  13. Care to cite the percentage of Canadians that chose the USA over Canada based on diagnostic wait times to support your anecdotal claim?
  14. Speaking of embarrassment: Donald Trump didn't lower taxes (He deferred them) He didn't get rid of the ACA as promised. Nine years later he has nothing but “concepts of a plan”, he claims. When pressed he refuse to identify a single component of that conceptual plan. He did not unite the USA, he divided it much worse than it has ever been in recent memory. He didn't lower your prescription prices, Biden did. He did not sign any infrastructure legislation, Biden did, a historic bill with bi-partisan support. He didn't end the opioid crisis or the illegal importation of illegal drugs into the USA as promised in 2015 in New Hampshire as promised, repeatedly. Under Biden the deaths are much lower, especially in 2024. He did not “end the crime and violence that plagues our nation” between Jan. 20, 2017-2021 as promised publicly, July, 2016 at the RNC. He didn't revive the coal industry as promised, repeatedly. He did not bring back offshored manufacturing as promised, repeatedly. He didn't make covid-19 'disappear' in a few days as promised. He didn't make Mexico pay for the wall as promised, repeatedly. Barely any new wall was built during his administration and what wall was built is scalable by fit people. Some of the new wall was already scheduled and funded to be repaired Trump did illegally in the view of some constitutional lawyers reappoint funds designated for other purposes. He added $2 Billion a month in tariff costs to the American consumer He had a net-negative jobs creations for his administration though to be fair this is mostly due to the pandemic that he infamously refused to manage well to the point of ignoring the Playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents playbook with Cabinet member Wilbur Ross falling asleep during the Obama-Trump transition meeting. He decreased corporate taxes, passing the tax burden to the workers He added $ 7.8 Trillion to the deficit - a full 25% of the total He incited an insurrection against the US government AND IT’S PEOPLE leading to deaths and then promised to pardon many that were convicted of various crimes including assaulting police officers. He is facing 8 civil lawsuits over this and his presidential immunity will not shield him. He is the only president to never achieve 50% approval. He didn't put "America first" and he sure didn't "Drain the Swamp...but he did put Putin and Russia first when he refused to accept American and her Allies Intelligence Services assessments of Russian 2016 election interference. He left office with the worst job numbers of any President since the Great Depression. He is a convicted felon, a convicted sexual abuser (a rapist in the words of the judge), several of his businesses ordered closed due to fraud, objectively a racist, and indicted four times by jurors on state and federal grand juries for some of the most serious crimes possible against a democratic republic. He did pardon many convicted criminals that had not been recommended by the Federal Pardon Review Board and is promising to pardon hundreds more his first days in office. He did nominate candidates for federal justices who were absolutely unqualified accordig o the professional organizations they belong to some with zero courtroom experience, unfit by nearly any reputable commonly used metric. He did fail to condemn his personal lawyer Mr. L. Lin Wood calling for the hanging death of his Vice President Jan. 5, 2021 on Telegram social media (before deleting the message) due to the expectation Pence was going to perform his duties according to the US Constitution the next day in verifying the 2020 Electoral College votes. The real vote with real electors. He did cause an unprecedented number of very critical books by former Cabinet and federal agency officials to be written and published. He did refuse to side with American and her most important Allies intelligence services against Russia’s Putin in accepting objectively accurate facts of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election on his behalf. He did refuse to attend some daily national security briefings and when he did attend according to those in attendance he did not pay attention and refused to listen to anything critical of Russia. He did call WW1 Vets “Losers & Suckers” for giving and losing their lives for their country. He did illegally evade the Vietnam War draft board, repeatedly. He did say he has no respect for American Vets who become POW if they are taken prisoner by the enemy through no fault of their own. He did discuss the size of his penis during an internationally televised Republican National Presidential Candidates debate in 2016 to the delight of his supporters in the audience who demonstrated their approval by raucous laughter akin to barking seals at a circus.
  15. And people wonder why Americans are despised, your Honor exhibit #1.

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