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  1. Why are we back to TM6 - thought this has been consigned to the bin ! Surely with the implementation of the ETIAS system with all travellers requiring to complete this before even leaving the place of departure , the authorities have all the necessary information ? More red tape !
  2. Could try 7 Seas , they do professional moves overseas. Not worth bringing in Electronic / Electricals as they attract big taxes . Make sure you get door to door service .
  3. I am also looking for a "Thai only " policy tailored to my specific needs that only includes what I require ( ie hospital stays ) I recently exited Thailand to kill off the OA visa naw have a Non O retirement Most companies offer International Policies which cover medical expenses abroad and repatriation etc etc which is ALL not required and only bumps up premiums . So , I looking for Thai Company that can build a Policy to my specific needs . ( I am 73, in good health and wish to obtain a policy before I reach 75 !! Replies appreciated
  4. I had a problem with tree stumps that had not been properly removed under a house I bought and were sprouting up around the foundations.. I used TORDON as the only recommended way to remove these and penetrate the offending roots/ stump . Essential to follow the instructions . So far seems to have worked !!! I obtained Tordon from either Laxada or Shopee ( forget which )
  5. Ah yes , the Vios has the "go faster wheels "
  6. Yellow book for your residential address exempts you from property tax !!!!
  7. Insurance is the key ! Nothing will change whilst Insurance remains in Government hands and DLT hands out Insurance like Candy .
  8. Clarified , thank you very much . End of story
  9. I was referring to the post by "Will B Good" whom stated a background check is required for the Non O .
  10. The article states :- "Initial reports indicate that the yacht had just returned from dropping off passengers when its engine malfunctioned, leading to the fire. The boat’s captain, believed to be a foreign national, was injured in the incident and has since been transported to Mission Hospital for treatment." If the yacht is conducting any business in Thailand it would have to be Thai registered and have a Thai Captain . A foreign Captain is not allowed .
  11. "reducing the current tax rates on such vehicles from 25 to 40%." Looks like an increase to me ????
  12. I just applied for my Non "O" after going out and killing off the O- A visa and no background check - so must assume that as as I had already done the background check for the O-A , then it was not applicable to my O application. Therefore if one has already had an existing visa and background check done previously , then it is NOT required again .
  13. That's not all ! Ones should look at the footpaths on the recently widened main Sukhumvit road from Pattaya to Sattahip !! I watched them laying the paving over just loose fill and soil ! Sure they got it done fast but look at it now ! First sign of rain washed way the underfill and now with crooked uneven paving plus the weeds - the whole lot needs doing again ! What a waste of money ! Are there no building inspectors or are they all recipients of brown envelopes ? Hate to think what the road will be like a few years down the line !

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