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  1. The reason I want to cancel my visa was that I have heard that they cannot override a new visa if the current visa is still active. And I also heard the current visa cannot be cancelled just by flying out and it will still be there in their system if you intend to come back into the country, apply another visa and work. But still on the other hand, there is an immigration rule that your visa can be cancelled if you fly out without reentry permit. All those regulations are sometimes contrast to each other, that's why I just went to immigration to be safe. Unfortunately, my stupid faculty staffs didn't inform me my graduation date in the system and it all messed up.
  2. Will do so, really appreciate your suggestion. As you mentioned, I am a bit confused with all these rules and regulations. From what some agents said is that the immigration cannot do the extension of stay with the purpose of work if they haven't cancel my last student visa yet. This means the immigration has to cancel the currently active student visa first in order to apply for the new non b visa. My little brain is not functioning haha. Hopefully, everything be alright. Thank you for all of your advices and suggestion again.
  3. Unfortunately, my employer just uses their HR team to deal the visa matters of their foreign employees.
  4. Because I have to show the certificate of completion for the program I attended, which I need to request to the university two weeks before my student visa cancellation day, to the immigration. On that certificate, the registrar office marked as the program completion day as 4th April, but my official graduation day would be on 3rd Oct. So basically, the immigration takes the 4th April as the graduation day because they just check that certificate.
  5. Exactly, just curious if any chance I could avoid the stamp because I already had a new non - b visa over the existing student visa. Paying fine is not a problem although a bit too much for 45 days, but the problem would be the overstay stamp on my passport.
  6. I think it would be under extension of stay because it was an extension to 3 months ed visa which I applied outside of Thailand.
  7. Hello guys, I was on student visa and finished my program last March 2024. I secured a job in Thailand already and my plan was to cancel my student visa, go to the border and apply the non B visa, come back in and apply work permit and extend the non b visa. However, the issue arises with my student visa cancellation. My official graduation will be on Oct 2024 but the university system flagged me as graduated on April 2024 without notifying me. As my visa is still valid till 31 May 2024, I keep staying in the country until I was about to go out for applying Non - B visa at the border. Before I flew out of the country on May 17, I went to immigration to cancel my student visa on May 16. But they told me that I overstayed because university tagged me as graduated since 4th of April. They forced me to fly out of country without canceling my visa and asked me to apply new non B visa at the border and come cancel and pay fine at the immigration when I extend my non B visa back in the country. My question here is that as I already got the new non B visa and work permit in thailand, i will have to extend my non b visa this month, any chance I could avoid the stamp and fine without canceling backwards for the student visa? Sorry for the complex writing. and thank you for any of your inputs.
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