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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. Your smartness or not rests on what you use. Divulge.
  2. Perhaps they should arm wrestle at the end.
  3. What is winning? Define it.
  4. Indeed. Resentful, jealous, and vindictive. Take a trip to walking street and give yourself some relief.
  5. Boo F ing hoo. The major polluters in the world are China. Go picket and look a fool at a cruise terminal. Give me your address, and I'll send you some kerchiefs to cry on. Boo Hoo
  6. A bizjet landed at my East Coast Airport. Man and women got out. He asked if there was a local restaurant. I told him to fly 13 mile west. He cam from California. Just out for the day flying. Get used to it.
  7. Nonsense. She's sweet and I smell your jealousy.
  8. If you are on Mac OS 14, make sure you update to 14.7 before you update to 15.0.1
  9. If you waited for the first update to Sequoia you are a smart one. If you updated to 15.0 you are a dummy. Now you get Sequoia with bug updates.
  10. You can always be counted on.
  11. Why would you want imported food? People are buying cereal from the USA, which is full of poisons. You're better off purchasing European versions, where much of the poison in US products is illegal.
  12. They show a photo of 43 kilos but are 60 kilos. I don't like to have to send the dogs out to search for the clitoris, which hides under folds of fat. For the same reason, I wouldn't want an American woman. But the American also comes prepackaged with a mouth spewing hate and nonsense.
  13. Thai leases suck. Russian leases suck. And Chinese? I would never rent from Chinese landlords. My current condo owner is the best of the best. He comes to visit me once a month. Anything that needs fixing, he fixes. He cleans my air conditioners (4) too. I wrote my lease. It doesn't terminate. I wrote a three-year lease that only terminates once either party advises the other with two months' notice. I also wrote that the two-year deposit is depleted in the second year because it is applied equally to the rent. I paid less rent in the second year. Now, he has only a one-year deposit. I fixed the glaring errors in Thai leases and have the best landlord in Thailand.
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  14. Mostly through direct payment of QR. I never shop, only online. My massage professional brings me her cash. I pay her from my Bank. She doesn't have to deposit the money which we all know is a pain now thanks to stupid banking regulations and I can use the cash for Grab and other deliveries.
  15. Haven't you noticed that Thai Women now weigh, on average, 60 kilos?
  16. Most everything said by Harris is misinformation. She's a lying c8$&$&t
  17. I don't say this proudly, but American cops would have killed or hospitalized the attacker. The animals in America long for a confrontation like this.
  18. Why not put up the article for all to see?
  19. Aircons by their very nature remove water from the air.
  20. Who installed and did the conversion? No smell. I am not being Krass, but I'm angry about this. How about the smell of 20+ children and teachers burning to death? No one cares about child safety. It's disgusting.
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