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  1. The happy to be out of all those stages and free again. Now when I eat out I only pay for one. No more family group to pay for, no more sick this or that, and so on. I'm free to enjoy all if Asia and the lovely pre stage 1 ladies that I like. But that's just me, I admire those who persevere and give their all. I've seen the results of a lost illusion, especially those who built houses on family land and put everything in her name. Yep, lost the lot, even the TV set.
  2. Most of the Free World has a massive housing problem including Australia. Foreign ownership pushes up the price of housing beyond the majority of locals to compete. When we foreigners come in with our pensions and investments it makes the local Thai worker look like something out of Dickens'. Having said that, living in Thailand means that we should all be able to find reasonably priced accommodation. Maybe shorter term leases would be appropriate as 99 years is beyond all of us.
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