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Everything posted by Brave-Fart

  1. probably not he may just contact you 😛
  2. well to be honest 400,000 has to remain in there because you can withdraw 400,000 and leave 400,000 which must be topped back up to 800,000 up to 2-3 months prior to applying for your yearly visa.
  3. so much for his Hippocratic oath and his obligation of a physician not to harm the patient. This oath includes do not kill, do not cause pain or suffering, do not incapacitate, do not cause offense, and do not deprive others of the goods of life. Nanna, me thinks this guy should change his name to Adolph Nanna, :P
  4. How can anyone be in love with someone he has only seen and talked with on a laptop. I am thinking perhaps he is not a full quid especially when sending over 300,000 baht to a woman he has never met.
  5. Love to see your abs at 82 years of age , or even 52,62,72 and I wager you already have a classic beer belly
  6. Not sarcasm just someone sitting on a high pedestal and casting judgement on others .
  7. If it's cooler and more comfortable for him to jog that way , why can't he. After all he is not bothering anyone .
  8. Why shouldn't he , he obviously runs at night and with out wearing a shirt simply because it would be cooler and even someone like yourself could understand that , then and again some don't have the ability.
  9. Are you not complaining or whining about people that are in your opinion complaing and whining. ? Git back in the box Jack.
  10. Afghanistan; Algeria; Armenia; Belarus; Angola; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Benin; Andorra; Belgium; Bhutan; Cambodia; Lebanon; North Korea; Somalia; Burkina Faso; Cabo Verde; Djibouti; Iraq; Libya; Syria; Indonesia; Japan; China; Pakistan; United Arab Emirates; and Vietnam.
  11. Perhaps he was under the influence or been punched in the head too often.
  12. honestly why would anyone even contemplate introducing not one,not two bit bloody three pit bulls in to a strange environment with not only strange people,different surroundings and another dog. Then keep them imprisoned in a bedroom all day , that would suggest that they did not get out for nature calls. 🤔 The unfortunate young lad probably did not know anything about the nature of these dogs hence playing with the three of them no doubt raised their excitement and of course from there they turned to aggression. If they do not euthanize these dogs soon then we will be reading again about a death caused by a pit bull . RIP to the young lad and condolences to family and relatives
  13. You must be my neighbor, we have two American pitbulls roaming the streets , both have the usual chunky chain around their necks.
  14. for we all live in a brown submarine , a brown submarine , a brown submarine. Used to be yellow in the good old days.
  15. The Irishman did have a shirt the green and black stripes , the spectators didn't have shirts on.
  16. Yes but in this video they confirm he is an Irishman. Why do they always state the person's nationality? is there a competition happening between countries ,perhaps the Thai Olympics.
  17. I bet he that he did connect with a young lady and not by phone . :p
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