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  1. Kennedy was Shadow banned from American politics early on. This was largely due to a lot of his unpopular opinion with power. I imagine that Tulsi gabbard is probably polls even lower. Yet, put either of those individuals in that slot against Trump and their numbers would jump 20 fold. The Republicans will make Harris wear the economy around her neck like a noose. We are clearly in recession in the US
  2. I'll just leave this here for you to watch. It's called 15 billionaires that support Kamala Harris The Biden and Harris economic record would show there is little or no support for working and middle class families. They have literally destroyed them and have no respect for them culturally. This is a lie.
  3. So here we are - ten pages of blather and bickering, yet no Harris supporter can state why they will vote for her other than it's a vote against Donald Trump. Ten pages! Weak. I imagine you're largely embarrassed or even ashamed. I can't think of any other real reason other than gross stupidity or lack of intelligence, inability to write. The moderators are free to close the thread as the Kamala Harris supporters cannot exercise in a brain capacity to articulate why they would support such a woman for the presidency of the United States. The Democrats had Kennedy and Gabbard. They opted to slide Harris into the spot (possibly illegally) into the spot for the Biden war chest. Again, anyone reviewing this thread in the days, weeks and months ahead should note there is not one post of anyone stating why specifically they will vote for Kamala Harris. Thank you
  4. Fair enough. What are your five reasons for voting for Kamala Harris without mentioning Donald Trump and based upon what she did in her life in California and the vice presidency. We are now eight pages into this ridiculous effort and all the brokies not seem to articulate themselves or at least admit publicly why they are voting for this hag
  5. This is just propaganda from votevets. Why would you read anything like this, bother to post it, posted in this thread which is not about Trump at all. I specifically asked the posters not to mention Trump You continue to post but you have not posted why specifically you will vote for Kamala Harris without mentioning Donald Trump's name. Votevets is a woke organization that is democratic strictly in nature by their own admission. Therefore they would never endorse any Republican. VoteVets.org describes itself as a progressive organization, and endorses Democrats for elected office. Stop dirtying the thread with this trash
  6. None of this happened. This is not on topic. Mar a Lago was a setup. The case will be thrown out. Unlike Joe biden's similar document case. The federal prosecutor found him criminally negligent but declined to prosecute because of biden's mental instability Please stop posting to this thread.
  7. Putin was given no option. The West forced his hand. I think he's been extremely measured. Let's stay on topic. I believe I've asked you once before as well. In fact, as you are not an American citizen why don't you just find another thread to contribute to ?
  8. Thanks. A valiant attempt for those unable to articulate for themselves due to scrambled egg brain 🧠 Typical FSA stuff. The party of the handout. Free Sh** Army Government job for life where do I sign up LOL The Communist ticket
  9. Because what's going on in UK and commonwealth countries is so much better 👍👍👍👍
  10. Indeed. Apologies. The topic is: As someone that will vote for Harris - what are your personal reasons for doing so. * Make no mention of other candidates.
  11. This thread? I'd bet two beers on it. Any black guys would be for Trump lol.
  12. Yes, this thread defo democrat brokies.
  13. It would seem so. It should be on her site as well as dnc. Maybe it's not the platform but rather the blanket warm goo of Democratic handouts and targeted DEI lawfare? Dunno. But in their defense when I checked Harris' site some weeks back she had no platform. I hope that's changed.
  14. Idea: Y'all can join White Men for Harris they can perhaps help you get your head around why someone might vote for her. 👍🥂🧦
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