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Sum Ting Wong

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  1. Curious if I buy a 3.8g gold ring how much above spot price should I expect? If I want to sell it later what kind of fee can I expect? Also wondering the same about chains, maybe in the 2-4baht range.
  2. I want the AIS 1gbps post paid sim but work permit is required. Anyone have luck getting one of these? On DTV
  3. theres lots on facebook marketplace under 10k that say they have the book/papers. Blue? Or green? Not really sure long as the brakes and lights work, not completely clapped out, should be ok? I used to do inspections back home, just on transport trucks not bikes. Anything minor I think the shop can fix quickly during inspect. Kind of looking for helpful answers here but thanks..
  4. Anyone familiar with inspection, transferring ownership, insurance etc? Going to get a cheap bike soon in the 6-10k range, maybe off fb marketplace, and want a smooth quick process. My understanding is, I pay cash, get a power of attorney letter, copy of ID, blue book and keys from seller, take the bike for inspection, then bring bike to (chatuchak) DLT, with my CoR, copy of visa + passport? then I buy insurance after? How long until I have plates etc? Should I/can I use a title transfer service? My CoR expires on monday.. today its friday morning. If I buy a bike today or this weekend, can I bring everything in on monday and have everything done same day? Can I drive bike around while waiting? Anything I should look out for as far as scams/fake paperwork? in Canada, we just need seller signature and the registration paper. Go to insurance office any day of week and it takes 20 min. Not like thailand
  5. Yea I was. He said the first CoR I gave him is only for motorbike, cannot do car license. They’ve probably updated the CoR since you last seen it, now it has the purpose specified
  6. I went there today, this is not true. The CoR specifies if its for car, bike, bank etc. I handed him one for a bike and he said I cannot have car license unless I have a 2nd CoR for that. luckily I had both
  7. This was my experience too. No questions, just stamp and smile
  8. I managed to get an account on a dtv today. Tried Krungsri, they kindly refused. Then tried Bangkok Bank and they let me in. What I brought: - passport + copies - drivers license from home country - copy of dtv - copy of muay thai gym acceptance letter - certificate of residence
  9. Wasn’t sure about this, thanks I will get a bike license then probably convert my Canadian car license later on. So two seemed best A hotel. The 0 night trick would have been nice to know. I had about 30 min to come back with a proper tm30 so I just booked a few more nights. Oh well.
  10. an update to my own question and some info for others: Here is the updated CoR application as of today. They added a box so you can ask for as many CoR pages as you need. The requirements are also stapled to the front. Like Tod said, all thats required is: - copy of passport photo/data page - copy of passport stamp - copy of tm30 (MUST BE 10+ DAYS) they said my 1 night tm30 wasn’t enough, I had to come back with a 10+ day tm30. also, its 200b per CoR you want. I got 4, two for motorbike + car license, one for motorbike ownership and one for bank account. So 800b. another thing, I’m on a DTV so I brought a copy of dtv visa and they took that, but not sure if its required.
  11. Was there an option to ask for multiple CoR pages? It looks like you get 1 for a license and 1 for registering a vehicle, but what if I want 3 or 4 to open bank, register bike, get bike DL, etc
  12. Is it legitimate? wondering what are the chances they just have a card printer and make a fake license instead lol I haven’t done 90 day report yet so can’t get the license myself
  13. I have a feeling in 5 years this visa will be discontinued
  14. I wonder if I could use an agent to get the CoR sooner than 90 days? I want to get a scooter + licence and thai bank account. But don’t want to wait 90 days, then another several weeks for CoR, etc
  15. Interesting. I had never even considered that I may need to do 90-day reporting until I read your comment earlier. There was nothing during my visa process/research to indicate that. But I see now that DTV holders will likely have to report. You’d think there would be mention of this somewhere, if its required… The average person who is not well versed on thai visa policy, who enters on a DTV, will probably not even be aware they need to report
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