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  1. For real, only he pay someone, he can get rid from the problem.
  2. Shouldn’t they make some organization that able to help these kind of teens as if the parents can teach them better they might not caught like this.
  3. Others nationality also fight, even Thais. We are all fighters without consciousness.
  4. I think you may leave some messages on that noisy room. If they keep doing it, you may tell the manager of your condo. If that room still keep doing so, take some videos to be your proofs for the police and bring that to the police station not the traffic police (as it’s not their duty and they have no right to get in your condo). Moreover, if they still do not care, you may post your videos on social media platform. Thais do love this kind of contents. When it gone be viral, that is the time that reporters would come to your condo and that noisy room have to come out to say or do something.
  5. Thai people are really easygoing. I do not think that we should blame the dogs. Dogs are just pet, but it doesn’t mean all pet would be friendly. The thing that owner should do is to teach since the first day that the owner brings it into the house. If the owner could not handle the dogs, may just let it be in some dog camp.
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