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  1. In terms of tax, just make sure you only bring limited amount of money in, preferably cash. Limit the money you spend here that's traceable. Limit ATM withdrawals too. In short, do everything you can to avoid paying these corrupt feckers one dime!
  2. What's the difference between China, Brazil, North Korea and Thailand etc etc? Nothing. Democracy is dead.
  3. Buying an EV is the motoring equivalent of taking an experimental shot from a company that tried to hide trial data for 70 years.
  4. Scientists that have not been cancelled are corrupt. We saw this during the scamdemic. Do you own research. ALWAYS!
  5. EVs are another trap. You won't take your next gene therapy shot for a cold? They will remotely turn your car off.
  6. Australian broadcaster, Alan Jones, utterly schools a panel of climate zealots on the reality of the #ClimateScam. "CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere, and human beings are responsible for 3% of that 0.04%... It's like saying: 'There's a granule of sugar on the Harbour Bridge. Clean the bridge up, it's dirty'."
  7. I can't remember the App names but if you think CBDCs and social credit scores are just propaganda, then you are a greater fool. There are already apps in Europe to voluntarily track your carbon use. One day these won't be voluntary!
  8. Sorry, but I have met Chinese people in Thailand and they have all confirmed the social credit score. I even dated one in Chiang Mai and she showed me the Apps and how it all works.
  9. Man made climate change is nonsense because there is no credible evidence. What they have is based on 150 years of data, assuming they haven't manipulated it. The earth has been around a bit longer. If you believe their BS then you are brainwashed or a fool.
  10. Digital wallets are a trap. See China's social credit scoring for evidence.
  11. They should crackdown on all the Ukrainians too who are overstaying! Send them back!
  12. You can bet that the World Government is brewing something up in the labs for us. For our rulers it's all about reducing energy use and population. They even admit it. When you realize this, all the virus and climate warming nonsense makes sense.
  13. I would recommend anyone do their travels before 2026. The UN and WHO will be rolling out their next "virus" early in that year. Back to border controls, nonsense testing and loads of brainwashed fools walking around in face diapers.
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