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  1. They are animals! I would ban them, like good Muslim countries have. They are a plague! Worst people on the planet.
  2. Should ban Chinese anyway. No manners. Worse than the French!
  3. The current German admin are far left, just as the Nazis were. Not much difference,
  4. Bill Gates was recently in China.
  5. These sickos are bound to be from the left
  6. Ukraine needs a real election to remove the dictator! The EU wants a forever war, as did the Dems.
  7. Japan has right idea. Ban immigrants, particularly the leeches, which is usually most economic migrants.
  8. Still can't get over Trump's victory? Woke idiot.
  9. EU is no different to USSR, luckily a lot of the ex soviet states are waking up to this, not least Hungary with Orban. Eastern Europeans know communism. The main evidence is the attack on free speech.
  10. MRNA is a bio-weapon. Nothing more, nothing less.
  11. Europe is now under communism. That's been the long term plan of the European commission.
  12. Yes I remember it well. The whole thing was an attack on human rights. Luckily I managed to buy a work around so I didn't have to take any experimental therapies. The hackers are always ahead of these dumbass Government depts. This QR code technology is not as secure as they want it to be. Good thing with Thailand is it is still totally corrupt and you will always be able to buy yourself out of any of these BS rules.
  13. Digital prison incoming!
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