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Charlie D.

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Everything posted by Charlie D.

  1. Pib, I did the following as you suggested, "You can ask your bank for a transaction report on that received payment and it would show all fee(s) the receiving bank applied. Maybe do that one time to confirm the total amount of receiving fees for future use in calculating the IDD exchange rate." The banker looked at me like a cow looking at the space shuttle. Maybe I will try again next time when I shuffle over to the Kasikorn Bank.
  2. Pib, sorry my math was off by .0335 from your number. I will try and be more accurate with your number next time. FYI: My SS payment is NOT taxed and there is no added take aways from my monthly payment. I figured in the 100THB take away. I used your calculations you sent to me November 1. I scanned back all of December and Jan. 1-3 No where in my scans did I find the exchange rate this LOW. I referenced XE.COM for my scans.
  3. I have not seen the exchange rate at 33.7165 for ALL of December and the beginning of January 2025, not even close to that for the True Exchange Rate.
  4. Racy, you look to be spot on, Thanks for the reply back to me. I was thinking about the same number. CD
  5. Pib, Just received my bank phone notification of the SS direct deposit is complete. I assume you just received your deposit. What is the factor number used by the bank for the deposit. I want to see if yours is the same as my number. CD
  6. OK, got it, so I will chat later as soon as I see money come across my phone alert either Friday or Monday as you said in your mail. Charlie D.
  7. Pib, as you know, the 3rd of November falls on a Sunday. From your past experience, will the transfer come to the Thailand bank on November 1, Friday or will the money show up in the bank on November 4, Monday? What is your calculation of the money exchange rate as it stands this morning October, 30th? Thanks. Charlie D
  8. Pib, I do NOT have any deductions coming out of my SS payment before it is sent to me. I do not use Wise as SS sends to me as a Direct Deposit using Kasikorn Bank SWIFT. Pib, I ran the numbers twice using the 32.158 and came out the same as my deposit from the bank and I also did the Subtraction of the 100thb. I have issues with My Fat Fingers using the phone. LOL!!! Thanks for all your info to me. Charlie D.
  9. Pib, should the rate you stated be 33.158 and not 32.158? I ran the 33.158 and the results were spot on for the amount I received for 3 Oct. 2024. You have many thanks from me as I had no idea of the info you sent to me, so Thank You again. Charlie D.
  10. SS sends my monthly Direct Deposit payment using the SWIFT code for K-Bank. The money is less than I expected in the deposit. Using XE.COM and knowing about the time of the transfer and seeing the amount from XE using the graph there is a money loss. I see a loss of 1500thb so that is the reason for this mail. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks for the assist. CD
  11. Does anyone know how much Kasikorn Bank charges to deposit my monthly SS money into my account? Is it a percent or a flat fee? Thank you for your reply back to me. C D
  12. Pib, went to the bank to ask about the DD and had them to update my bank book, Yep the money was in my account on the 4th and was sent by SSA on the 3rd. I have a notice on my phone when there is any money taken out or on deposit and I did not have the money from SSA listed on my phone. This has never happened to me for 15 years using this notification from the bank. Good news from the Bank and good news from CAT working out my issues with the HP. Sleep Good tonight. Thanks for your replies back to me. I know who to come to if and when issues come up. Charlie KP Provence.
  13. My SS direct deposit should have arrived in Thailand 3 days ago and today is Sept. 6, 2024. This is a first for me so I do not know how many days it takes the Thai bank Pib, I will give you a reply with detail when I return home from the city of KamphangPhet.
  14. My SS direct deposit should have arrived in Thailand 3 days ago and today is Sept. 6, 2024. This is a first for me so I do not know how many days it takes the Thai bank to clear a Direct Deposit and the money deposited into my account. Does anyone know how many days before I see the money in my account? Thanks for the reply back to me. CD
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