To get my original OA visa and to get my extension, I needed a health insurance policy of at lease 4,000,000 TBaht. My previous policy covered me for $10,000,000 USD so exponentially more than required. However, the Thai government requires holders of any non-Thai policies to have a letter signed by the insurance company stating that they sold you the policy. Sounds straightforward and simple enough, but every company I contacted for insurance would not sign such a letter. So, despite being covered by my existing policy for $10,000,000 USD, I had to fork out (throw away) $350 on one of the βapprovedβ Thai insurance policies. These Thai policies do not require a signed letter. The Thai policy covers me for the minimum 4,000,000 baht required for the visa, but has a 300,000 Baht deductible, making it virtually useless for anything but the most serious cases. So basically, insurance companies sell them to people like me, who are forced to buy them in order to get a visa. When I transition to a regular O visa, there is no such requirement from the Thai government.