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  1. Well done to knock a few more of the scum out and stamp em up no return btw that’s coming from a fellow Brit
  2. Just to give an idea of costs , last year in the uk I underwent two months of diagnostics , scans , biopsies etc followed by two months of daily radio therapy on our nhs ,and I worked out the costs in the private hospitals in our town and it came to just over £98000 .
  3. The fact that the tool riding the motorbike illegally or his parents were complicit in allowing him to don’t even come into the equation . I wonder how many foreigners setting up their new lives with their eyes full of fairy dust see their new Fortuna devalued to a worthless condition by these utter morons
  4. Another pair of goons travelling without proper health insurance . Nevermind we will go on ya social meeeeeeja if it all goes tits up and get crowdfunded
  5. Shame if they’re going to lob all of us in the same box , as all I ever do is come over with my wife spend a month repairing the family homes and buying food and drink to give out to the locals at the local temples . Hardly need to be kept under close scrutiny , but then again who can blame them , especially all the drunken/ drugged up morons coming alongside from the UK.
  6. Pathetic to see people in such a state they cannot wait until they are well clear of the airport with their filthy stinking habit .
  7. They need to get huge lorry tankers full of seawater and wash em away at 2am
  8. You have to wonder at the amount of brain cells these clowns have with these poxy dogs
  9. Regardless of the inns and outs of the Gaurdian if your over 45 go get yourself a PSA blood test ,, this alone won’t determine prostate cancer ,, but an elevated PSA will lead you next to an mri scan which will deffo indicate cancer if it’s there then the extent of the cancer will be determined by the dreaded transperenial biopsies under local anaesthetic , plus a full body CT scan looking for any secondaries along the way . Had mine done annually the last 11 years all well within PSA range , elevated up two years ago and went through a year of diagnosis and treatments . Now the worrying bit LIKE THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF OTHER MEN I HAD / HAVE ZERO SYMPTOMS Get tested , don’t let the silent killer get away with its deadly work inside you before it’s too late
  10. How much I hate that word British or UK ish We should just scrub that pc <deleted>e and go back to English Welsh Scots and Irish That would clear things a little , any of the others would be known by their motherland heritage
  11. Best just to live a happy content life without any of it
  12. What a terrible way to go poor guy , let’s hope it was a swift end . having said that I saw so many videos yesterday of red flagged beaches and stormy waters flooding in
  13. Another wannabe who could afford to holiday in Skegness but landed in Phuket. Its about time travel insurance was mandatory at check in alongside the passports
  14. Deport the scum and stamp his passport up NO RETURN
  15. Coming from another angle , and I know this idea will just be dismissed unfortunately ,, however my advice for what it’s worth is to double make sure the silent killer isn’t at work in your body and get yourself a PSA blood test asap . Lower unexplained back pain is one of the killers symptoms ,, NOT saying in your case it is , however so many men dismiss this as they have no other symptoms and when they do and go get tested eventually , in many cases it’s game over as it’s spread too far . Good luck
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