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  1. Right chaps for what it’s worth please no PLEASE if your over 50 get yourself along for a PSA blood test . ive had this done the past 11 years in the uk along with my annual full blood counts , 2 years ago I forgot to ask for my PSA test alongside my full bloods but thought ill be ok as I’ve been within region I’ll get it done next year. So the next year November 23 I did ,, within one week I was fast tracked into urology , had an mri scan , then full bone scan , full urine tract scan , full body CT scan with contrast , had to undergo the horrendous transperenial biopsies all 30 of em 😂then after 2 months of that lot told I had prostate cancer and had to undergo 37 days of radio therapy , which I can tell you the last 3 weeks became almost impossible as you have to have a min of 280 ml in your bladder each time , and let’s just say by then your bowels and bladder are a tad over active. Anyway the good news is 3 months on now at my first review I’ve been told my treatment has been very successful and I now have a virtually undetectable PSA of below 0.01% , and yes I will be monitored for my PSA levels for the next 10 years plus 1 more year of the hormone injections we are given. Now then the very VERY IMPORTANT part of this story ,, I along with thousands and thousands of other men have ZERO symptoms at all , in fact when I had to do my flow test I passed it with flying colours with a score of 91% a continual flow of 568ml with only 2% residual in the bladder which they scan after your flow test. Once again PLEASE get that PSA test done TOMMOROW
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