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  1. Have noticed Thai boys growing up seem to be favoured and entitlement seems to flow into adulthood
  2. Very unfair blaming tourists, go to New Zealand and bungy jump or white water rafting you trust the guide, maybe some of these guys first time in Thailand , it’s alright for us old timers who read about this stuff every day!
  3. Very unfair, I am sure a lot of them would be unaware of the dangers and put their faith in tour company.
  4. Many reasons to disappear, why didn’t he take his girlfriend? Maybe lost phone, drug run etc police have so many missing persons reports they would have no time to fight crime.
  5. It’s been said many times before, why do these idiots leave their brains at home, see them every day hooning around.
  6. Obviously should never have been in there in the first place but great respect for tour guide who lost his life trying to save everyone another Thai hero!
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