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  1. It's not about chickens, cows. It's about how virus feeling if it have named by monkey name.
  2. Aren't everyone of them at the moment hitting women's, man's and kids to face with their decisions?
  3. Maybe he told truth what he can't say. "There is big peoples who doesn't hear small people's and hitting them face". If he tell full truth what everyone thinking about this all what now happening then he will be prison rest of his life 😀
  4. Why 20 years? He is only who told truth at big peoples doesn't hear small people's voices and hitting them to face. 😀
  5. You think Thaksin is not big military guys toy what they are using when country is falling too near to democracy?
  6. Anyone know what is green pill?
  7. You right. But I believe he is front guy for this war against people's and democracy. In same team than others but can be also their fool who they using in correct moment. Maybe someday we will know everything maybe not.
  8. It's not matter even if 64% of your family vote something else if you need tell who she need voting. Give her see and understand herself and she will learn process information and make own decisions and opinions in different areas of life correct way. Same go with kids how they learn but in case of old phujins can be at congress of village hang around woman partys head have choose for her and everyone else. So maybe it was better tell her who to vote when we are in Thailand and know how this country working. So yes correct way educates her when start to thinking 👍
  9. You change your wife mind who she voting Mr Dictator? You pay for her also for getting better meal or breakfast? You mind manipulate her change mind about other things too or do you give her make own opinion at least when you are together choosing new grass color front of your house? I guess you voting for it and find compromise
  10. How you know 'they' don't give him come back for reason at 'they' can fire everyone and people's like you blame him when you don't have understand that Thaksin never have been more than tool what 'they' using same way than 'they' using everyone else?
  11. In EU they have make lot of chemical test for Temu and Shein products. And almost all clothes and other products have some or many kind very dangerous chemicals even after one washing time. Shein same but they have fix things in last couple years and only some clothes have this chemicals. I believe in Lazada most Chinese clothes have same chemicals they use it for not get mold when store and shipping.
  12. Poisonous mushrooms is very bored. 118 Hallucinating mushrooms cooked for temple monks and half village would be more funny.
  13. Probably have kidnapped for berry picking in Finland by Finnish berry company now when Thai people's are not allowed go anymore. It's possibly at he is in forest until winter and can not know what berry companies doing after it for slaves who have Schengen passport and no need send back to home country.
  14. Sorry did not read every message before answer for this one. Message was answer for typical reply in this kind of thread's where people's justice security peoples violence for reason someone have do something wrong. No matter in Thailand or USA or Europe. Security peoples using power often wrong. Same go with polices and some times with inviduals. There is laws and rules in every country and mostly in some Muslim countries it is allowed beat, kill or throwing rocks to dead person who have done wrong.
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