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  1. JAN FEB MARCH APRIL is four, AUG SEPT is two. Id just like to go there, and relax without border runs or extentions. I looked at an METV, but id have to get one each year, and have the timing right and also then border run. We may even stay a bit longer as my job is flexible and the cost of living is less in thailand - having a DTV means less paperwork, smaller fees, and less headache. Im just not sure if I am applicable in anyway. I read up on the soft powers, id certainly enroll on a cooking course or something - but i havent seen any success with that yet!
  2. Hi There, My partner works for a company that will allow them to work remotely, so their situation is easy. In my situation, I do short term seasonal contracting in the UK, sometimes being flown abroad for this work as a consultant. For example, I always work OCT NOV DEC And then MAY JUN JUL I earn about £40,000 per year doing this, and I am employed by this company, but as I am contracting through them, techincally its zero hours, as I choose my hours/days/months. However, I always choose to work those months as they are the most lucrative. My intention was to secure a DTV and spend quite a chunk of my downtime in Thailand with my partner, and fly back for the work then return to SEA tospend the dough! Its almost akin to being an oil rig worker, where they spend weeks/months offshore, then return home. Is there any way I can word this in order to get a DTV? Or is it impossible? My work would not submit a document saying that I can work remotely, because the company as a whole does not work remotely. I have the savings avaliable to secure a DTV and would like to spend time in Thailand during the times im not in work, and a DTV looks great. I have an option from a friend of mine to host a website that sells their service, and to rebrand it and effectively market it for a 50% cut of the income, but that would be on a self employed basis, and I wouldnt open a Ltd company to do this, id just declare via self assessment. If i went with this option rather than the seasonal work situation which might not pass their critera, would a copy of my website and some invoices work? I wouldnt have a portfolio, as I didnt create the code, just resell the service - How many customers would I need, I'd only be 2-5 customers deep bringing in about 200 a month at the point of leaving. Am I screwed for a DTV? If someone could offer any advice that would be great! :) Thanks
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