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Everything posted by Skiskunk

  1. It was on the day while waiting for my ride to my mothers funeral that I watched utube walk video on beach road I saw her with this man. She later told me she was with for a week.
  2. thank you i hear your words and yes time for a change
  3. thank you for your words... think its time for a change.
  4. thank you kindly
  5. think you guys haven't read it properly and also not in my shoes to experience. We skype nearly every day so contact is always ther she understands my commitment to my daughter who I have been bringing up during my 11 months at home. And yes we bought KY she didnt want to do it at the time of purchase.
  6. think you guys haven't read it properly and also not in my shoes to experience. We skype nearly every day so contact is always ther she understands my commitment to my daughter who I have been bringing up during my 11 months at home. think you guys haven't read it properly and also not in my shoes to experience. We skype nearly every day so contact is always ther she understands my commitment to my daughter who I have been bringing up during my 11 months at home.
  7. think you guys haven't read it properly and also not in my shoes to experience. We skype nearly every day so contact is always ther she understands my commitment to my daughter who I have been bringing up during my 11 months at home.
  8. She has already been married to thia man and has 2 children who have grown up. Our marriage was second done in vilage with local speaker. She wasnt wanting anymore children just someone to live with her and provide. I have explained Im not a typical rich Farang man and the plan was to see if could afford more visits each year eventually I would set up my t shirt business at her house and provide for us both. But since covid things have got worse. She cheated on me and my business went down. We are in our 50s and im now now in more thought from our skype discussion yesterday. she now told me because she is over 50 years and she dry downstairs even-though I said we should what to do to make more fun for us both she now shock her head and said no sex. I said ok so what about me. She then held her hand up and jolted them up and down stating she would give me relief. I also told her I dont see me being able to set up my business in Thailand is there any way we can combine our money together as she has many lands and wants to start hotel. She replied not possible to much money.
  9. thank you... no will or documents signed. the marriage was her second and it was quick and cheap no monks no register only local village speaker.
  10. what do you mean OP. and yes i know they change as they think previous name bad luck. p.s. not fake true
  11. Thank you... its more like your second quote “On the other hand, if you haven't been sending financial support, then maybe it's not a bad arrangement” everything you said in the paragraph is more or less true. She knows Im not a typical rich Farang man and the plan was to see if could afford more visits each year eventually I would set up my t shirt business at her house and provide for us both. But since covid things have got worse. She went with another man just before covid I have video proof. My business is not doing very well. Just yesterday I had a discussion with her on skype and she now told me because she is over 50 years and she dry downstairs even-though I said we should what to do to make more fun for us both she now shock her head and said no sex. I said ok so what about me. She then held her hand up and jolted them up and down stating she would give me relief. I also told her I dont see me being able to set up my business in Thailand is there any way we can combine our money together as she has many lands and wants to start hotel. She replied not possible to much money. So ther I am even more in a dilemma. p.s. She has already been married and divorced with 2 children from previous Thailand man.
  12. yes i was thinking that... maybe my resources are better used else where. thank you
  13. i understand thank you
  14. Thank you... i first went to visit Thailand as an adventure didn't expect to meet lady who became friends with. i couldn't live in Thailand as i have a daughter back home who i love and raise and look after on my own. the plan was to be successful in my t shirt printing business then move to Thailand once my daughter gains independence. But business not making enough money so know im thinking maybe i need to face reality and make a new start or turning point.
  15. Iv been visiting Thailand and getting to know my Thai girlfriend once every year for over 10 years. Each time is equivalent to a month. After adding up the weeks (minus covid and lack of funds) its about 9 months. On the 5th year after I came home from visiting Thailand I caught her with video evidence she went behind my back with another guy. After ignoring her a month I final gave in and gave her a second chance. After covid on my first year back we agreed to marry to satisfy her mother before she leaves this world, (yes i know what's the point of the dowry) Since then things seem different. My point is that the wedding we had was not official meaning we had a speaker but no monks present it was like a small village family wedding, no papers to sign and when asking her to change name she refused to as she says to much work. Secondly I wanted to tell our Thai friends but she told me not to. After all the wedding photo where put on to USB sticks and copies handed out I said we can put our framed photos up on her wall next to all her other family portraits. Over a year has passed and still there is no sign of them up on the wall and she still makes excuses. The next visit I intend to have it out explain what I expected of our marriage and how I think it was mistake or how can we work to make it better if she is willing to try. Question is: I'm I right in saying that no divorce procedure would be needed if no documents or registration was ever done. Just a straight forward prove that you love me or I just walk away is needed.
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