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  1. I've returned to Thailand via the Koh Kong border and it was fine. There are Cambodian guys hanging around offering help for a fee. I don't suppose it's really necessary to pay for their service. Everything went smoothly. I will now get an appropriate visa so that I don't need to stay as a tourist. Basically it seems like many of these border crossings are relaxed for long-term tourists at the moment.
  2. Sounds good. I'm getting a little nervous and thinking of dumping my air ticket and jumping on a van to the border tomorrow morning if there is any chance that I will be denied entry. But if there is little risk of being turned away at the border, I will spend a week in Cambodia and try one of these borders. Not much time left of course and I should've sorted this out much earlier! Thanks.
  3. Agent-driven meaning that it might not be so good for individuals crossing the border? If anyone does have information, please let me know.
  4. Thanks, everyone. Yes, as I already have my ticket and would like some time in Cambodia, it looks like the best thing to do is come back via a land border. I've done the Koh Kong route once already this year. It would be interesting to try somewhere else if the road is easier. Anyway, the plan is to get a proper visa situation sorted out so that this will hopefully be my last border run for the foreseeable future.
  5. I'm in Bangkok, so I could get a border run service from here. I've already paid for a Cambodia e-visa and one-way ticket to Phnom Penh, not knowing whether I should fly or come back by land. Clearly I should've got my act together weeks ago! So am I fairly safe to go via the Koh Kong land border? I know there are some Cambodian fixer types at the border who say they can help with the paperwork or some such thing. Or should I just lose the e-visa and go for the van to the border option? Does having in-out border run stamps get in the way of getting any types of visa in the future? Thanks for your input everyone.
  6. Thank you. So certain borders such as Koh Kong are generally not too strict? I hear Poipet is strict. Are there other good border crossings? It was a hard slog going via Koh Kong, but I guess all the borders will be similar.
  7. I've been here as a tourist for more than two years, using tourist visas and visa exempt. I meant multiple visas and exempts, rather than METV. I did get interrogated at Don Meuang two entries ago. The guy suggested I sort out a retirement visa. I have just turned 50. I am still working this out and need to enter one more time as a tourist. I did one land border crossing on my own since then and it was fine. I am in Bangkok now.
  8. I've had multiple tourist visas and exemptions over the last couple of years and I need to pop out of the country and come back one more time before I sort out a more long-term visa solution. I would like to spend a week or two in Cambodia rather than a border run service if possible. I have already bought a one-way ticket. I have a brand new passport with the latest stamp transferred from the old passport. Some people say this "resets" everything, although obviously these days everything is on computer, so I have no idea if the new passport helps. Would I likely be OK if I fly back through Don Meuang with an onward ticket? Would I be safer to go via a land border? I did that last time via Koh Kong after ten days in Cambodia and it was fine. Or should I forget the holiday and join a border run service for the first time ever?
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