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  1. Thank you. Indeed it was stressful, but i did it for personal imperatives. Very lucky I got it. And that it worked this one time, doesn't mean the next one will too. I don't want to go through this again just to fail like it's a toss of a coin (and that's how much faith i have for the Thai immigration, even as someone who committed no crimes) About agency services, to me the legitimacy and outcome both seem to be variables, because the ultimate say is from the government (isn't it?), which is also a variable, and a whimsical one at that. I try to avoid going through an additional layer of variables on top of the official variables which alone were already maxing out on my nerves, all the more with additional pays and i've always spent carefully. Would rather spend it on Japanese buffets.
  2. UPDATES: I'm in Thailand again. apologies for my lack of interactions here, i read all your advices and got lost in deliberations for quite a while, with DTV still beyond my current status, eventually i settled on going with TR as @Tim K and @Katatonica suggested, (thank you there). But instead of Penang, which i thought i would go, following your two concurring, i decided to do it in Kuala Lumpur because the lowest bracket of hostels are cheaper on average in KL (and paying cash at the reception to circumvent the malevolence of 10 rm tourism tax per day), and i needed time to gather my docs. And i thought if they reject they will reject, so, eff it, come what may. The Day of submitting my TR visa docs at embassy: I had with me 3 months' bank statements, accommodation proof (invitation letter + house registration + Thai citizen id copy) , my passport id page copy, 2 passport pics, to and onward tickets (as required), completed form stating purpose of visit is tourism + others: stay with Thai citizen. @Rob Browder I went with flight ticket KL to BKK instead of land entry because I wasn't sure land route tickets were admissible as travel itineraries in the Visa application, also because man it's a long way from south borders to BKK. If i got stuck at the Thai-Malay border, i would have to go back down to whatever Airport, Penang or KL depending on flight prices, because ask me if i wanted to stay in Malaysia my answer is an expletive no. Presented my appointment QR as instructed, arrived 20 mins early, waited extra half hour to get called. The embassy was not empty of other applicants, as i've hoped, but packed a few dozens of them. It was my turn and I wasn't even sure the officer would accept my submission, because i walked up to a guy who i saw got turned away from the counter. He's from Nepal trying to apply for some sort of Visa (not TR), told to apply from his home country. With half an expectation that i would be turned away too, it was my turn to hand over my papers. Upon her scrutiny the officer asked me to provide my final bank account balance, which i didn't have yet from the bank, as it's due to release next month, but she was ok that i make a screenshot of it on my bank app, and in hard copy, then come back again (same day morning session). So I went to the print shop about 5 mins walk opposite street (a small independent shop running on a ground floor attached to a hotel), asked the shop keeper to take a photo of my phone showing bank app coz it prohibits screenshots, then she printed this photo for me for 2 ringgits. Went back to embassy, waited for a few people, back to the same officer who then accepted my application, took my 160 ringgit fee, and gave me a pick-up slip in return chop chop, which indicated next day. Viola, but i still had to wait 1 more day. Fast forward next day, many from the day before went early too, we all queued up before the embassy opens for afternoon session (2:30 pm). The return of passport was a much quicker process. BAM I got the TR. A full page sticker, 3 months validity from the date of retrieving my passport. Legend says the BAM could still be heard in the distance future where I lay 6 feet under. Day of landing at Don Mueang: Inadvertently queued up to an IO with stars on her shoulders, because i also like to live dangerously. She took time to inspect my case, gossiped with her partner sitting adjacent, after moments of tense silence, then asked my purpose of visit, to which i answered quite honestly: tourism and stay with Thai citizen, and i showed her the invitation letter, the content on which she traced with a finger. Then she asked if i had a return ticket. I showed her. Then I was stamped and let in. Verdict: Stayed on VE over 8 months within a calendar year with many border runs and 2 extensions, applied for TR visa with legit docs and reasons, after scaffolding my passport with stamps from a couple of other countries in little less than 2 months, was let in. Couldn't tell if this works for everybody but for the record this one time it worked. Visa agency: Thanks for your inputs but I have trust issues with people let alone 3rd party middlepeople who are dead set on ripping off foreigners with legally questionable means and I didn't feel like putting my name on the money boat that tries to get around the official gov immigration who in my impression happens to be quite sensitive with disrespects. I'm afraid i might end up paying for another money boat being turned away with a parting gift of unknown future consequences. Not to mention that I don't think these middlepeople deserve the money they extort. FInal thoughts: I need to pull my fecal matters together get a remote job (again), aim for a long term visa. Aka juicing the grits to earn the rights to a life I want, like a normal person does. That's actually how i see this or any other current system, unfortunately, works. Thank you everybody who took the time to response and advice. You helped me. And I hope my rundown helps someone else in similar situation too.
  3. Hello everyone, i would like to ask for some advice on re-entering Thailand given my following scenario: I'm from Hong Kong. By default my passport allows 30 days visa exemption to enter Thailand. From October 2023 till roughly June 2024 i have repeated entered Thailand on visa exemption, every time by flight, with 2 extensions done at Laksi, totaling about 8 months of stay in Thailand. The last time i entered, i unfortunately queued up to a very angry IO and she angrily muttered that i had 8 months of stay in Thailand, what i was doing here and i said, tourism (meh), and she angrily said it's not tourism, it's too long, something like that. So i got pulled to the little open area behind where a few other inbound travelers also sat, i didn't really know what their cases were, didn't really have the mood to inquire. Moments later another IO, this one a young, rather calm, gentleman, said to me i should have some visa next time i want to enter. I asked, can i never use visa exemption to enter again? He said i still can, but didn't specify for how long apart. What kind of visa, i asked, first he said Tourist Visa (the paid one, by conjecture), but given what that female IO told me, i asked was it okay with Tourist Visa, and then he said "business" (i don't know what that means) or student visa. Required me to book an onward flight on the spot, which i complied. They let me book any ticket outbound, not only my home country, and so on the spot i purchased the cheapest one to KL on exactly the 30th day. He stamped me in for 30 days. (so it was June, the 60 days visa exemption still hadn't kicked in yet) Time flied and i lacked the will to gamble on extension, fearing rejection or making my case more noticeable to the immigration, i flied to KL. But i want to get back to The Land of Smiles (i'm not smiling rn). My questions are: 1. Does anyone know if immigration have a record of my warning on their systems? Or a recent history of long stay (long as in > 6 months) automatically triggers an IO? Perhaps they have some guidelines to pull people who had that? 2. Should i gamble with entering on visa exemption again after a month away? If at all possible, is Chiang Mai reportedly the safer option? What about land crossing? I haven't had one in the above period. 3. If visa exemption is off the table for a month's break away, so then i should apply for Tourist Visa? will i be denied even with that? Because i've read cases that happened. 4. I don't really have sufficient funds to go with anything on the upper shelf of Visas (Elite etc), or DTV, because i have no income, are there any other ways? Thank you for taking the time to read and very much appreciated your advices.
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