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mdr224 last won the day on December 6 2024

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  1. Europeans are poor enough as it is
  2. What do you care how many guys theyve done? Youre old so you have to pay for it. Hookers are rarely virgins
  3. Not thailands worldclass healthcare, i dont believe it
  4. Alot of arguing about the right and wrong way to drive in thailand. My experience is anything goes. Highways are a free for all
  5. Im damn glad theres nobody from Pakistan where i am
  6. MSM still using the experts strategy. Trumps election showed everybody that the experts arent credible anymore
  7. Replies in this thread prove my point. You are the common folk whose opinions dont matter, thinking your ideas are better than Musk. Thats why youre here and hes there
  8. Thailand is worse off in every aspect other than no feminism. Laws not being enforced is a double edged sword
  9. Hopefully its someone smart enough whose done well for themselves like Musk and not a loser like the posters on this forum.
  10. And im sure youd prefer bill gates or george soros gets to rule us then
  11. In about 5-10 years Musk will be named king of the west. Us common people will just submit for our own good. Half of us are too retarded to even have our own opinions heard
  12. The people dont have a choice in who runs their country. The elections are just for show. Its not going to change
  13. If it happened under trump, guess what youd be doing now, hypocrite
  14. His opinion matters though. Why does your opinion matter
  15. Man how out of touch can they be. Phuket is just little russia now
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