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  1. She certainly didnt get to where she is through merit. Diversity inclusion is dragging the west down
  2. Seems like with all the assassination attempts that the left is desperate. No one is trying to kill corrupt kamala
  3. Only through a liberals logic could one conflate a man sleeping around to be the same as a woman
  4. Democrats in full cope because nobody can seem to kill trump
  5. Liberal posters here after what liberals have done to the UK - BRAINWASHED
  6. All these amateurs just boosting trumps chances. When you come at the king, you best not miss
  7. Clinton, Obama, Biden, Harris will never have to worry about getting shot. The corrupt ones never do get killed
  8. Im probably the only one on this forum who lives in a swing state. My vote is meaningful, and im voting for trump
  9. Im a libertarian with no stake in the game. The west is too liberal for anyone with common sense. Its a no brainer to go with trump this time
  10. Remember this post. Getting involved in politics will be the worst mistake of her career.
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