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  1. DTV Apllication Australia . Online application Applied and payed . Status *Pending Document Check Stayed like that and entire week . Updated status to * Pending approval Stayed like that for 4 business days . Updated status back to *Pending document check again Not confusing or frustrating atall ... Grrrr
  2. Wow thats a rip inst it . Says VISA fee ---- NOT appliacation fee . Pay for a visa and get nothing . AWESOME !! But if you apply in person at a Consulate and get rejected you dont get shafted ya money ? Might have to do that overseas somewhere rather than applying in my backward country of Australia that doesnt process visas at the consulates.
  3. To anyone who applied Online .... Did you have to submit fee with your application or do you pay the fee when the visa has been approved and then pay to get the visa ? Did anyone who applied online pay the fee ,,,, then get rejected . Did you get the fee back or not pay it if rejected ?
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