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  1. I think you mean riding? Anyway, this is only one thing: what about signalling??? Licenses, insurance, mand aintenance Thais are all "mai pen rai" until something happens.
  2. Sorry, I didn't know chickens were pets. They are usually kept for eggs and to be killed and eaten—false equivalency.
  3. A disgraceful overreaction. Were the chickens in a coup? NO but the dog owner also has some culpability. 6 months in jail for the killer and a warning for the dog owner.
  4. I can't live on 1m baht in one year! It must be trolling
  5. Policemen should not be hugging little girls end of the subject.
  6. Financed by proxy? Weapons provided by proxy? Technicians coding by proxy? the only bit the poor Ukrainians are doing is fighting, and even some of that is by proxy.
  7. Hiding the Burisma antics imho
  8. The point you are missing is that he said he would never do it. He pardoned Hunter from 2014 because he knows the corruption in Ukraine will eventually come out.
  9. What a hypocrite Biden is. He will never live this down now, the lies, lies, and damn lies that guy told.
  10. Utter falsehood it is a proxy war and everyone knows it

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