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About willip

  • Birthday 06/06/1956

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    Honda phantom 200cc

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    Khon kaen

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  1. THAI FARRANG.! looks like money again. Spoiled rich kid again. 19 says it all.
  2. Corruption! Never!! Unheard of. Ask THAKSIN. or anyone that wears a uniform.
  3. JAIL THEM. then deport! Nothing worse than skint farrang. Ask any thai? Cannot pay bribes!. MUST GO.
  4. Thailand always has been a Hotspot for R'R. With bar girls. Along with corruption. But the governments can never find any! STRANGE. corruption is everywhere. They legalized Marijuana. Next casinos. Looks like it's going to be a good future for the Thaksin's AGAIN.
  5. Thailand's culture (greed).ask any rich politicians
  6. CORRUPTION AT IT'S WORST!!! (DISGUSTING). If you are super rich you can get away with anything here in Thailand.
  7. Which president was not a puppet? Not looking out for the rich people that elected them. Power before people???
  8. Well Biden got his son stopped from prosecution!. NEXT !!!!
  9. Does this THAI driver have any license????. (I mean a proper one)
  10. How creditable will it seem to the western world. Thailand run by a family of crooks. Alot of x cons. Sorry they're not!.because none of them will have actually been to jail!.once again PROOF. that you can do anything you want if your bank balance is big enough. more a land of smirks. Than smiles. SHAME.
  11. A result of multicultural society!!!!. Mass migrants are ruining our culture and laws. It's a fact that most carry knives now. The police stop and search. But the IC3 population say it's racism. Can't win. They rob the stores in blatant gags. HIT AND RUNS. Shame on our government's. For not having the guts to stand up to these organized criminals. IF YOU WANT TO STOP THE ILLEGALS FROM RUINING OUR COUNTRY. (STOP PAYING FOR HOTELS) AND FREE MEALS, FREE MEDICAL. FREE EVERYTHING.
  12. I was pick pocketed by 2 ladyboys in Phuket. Didn't realize until I got on motorcycle taxi. I worked with the katoys at cocktail and dreams bar. After bars are closed you'll find them at the beaches searching for customers. It's a well known fact. One night I was swimming, got carried away with my British girlfriend. And a katoy robbed me of 10.000 bht from my trousers.. My friend had one in his room whilst intoxicated, she took 1000.euros from his draws . He fell asleep. Beware of this gender!! They're not all decent respectful thais '.
  13. Doom and gloom again!!! So much for Thailand being a safe place. People should stop coming to Thailand. It's so corrupt. Good times are long gone now. Greed and corruption seems to be the thai culture now.

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