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  1. I not understand, why they not discover him allready on the airport immigration, there they check every passport, but not looking on the blacklist who is wanted from interpol? He shouldn't come in the country in first place. Another mistake of thai officials, seem they don't care who come in the country, just bring the cash.....And who knows how many he has raped here?
  2. Properly not the only one who get scammed or fraud by Thai women, which covers thai women as evil and in a bad light. But nobody want to admit to get fooled for money, so did I. I been scammed for 350000 baht of 4 thai women, all want me to help But for family, hospital or children to study.......But there is no help to get against thai law, even money collectors are not interested
  3. Yes , agree , who cares about of a russian who is apart of a regime who admire Putin. I hope they killeaxchother but not here in paradise. Properly an another escaper........SLAVA UKRAIJNIA!!!
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