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BarBoy last won the day on January 3

BarBoy had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    In the Pub

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  1. Ping pong show. Soapy massage. Can’t go wrong.
  2. How is it well known?? do you often ask taxi drivers if they can see your reviews?. your complete fabrication holds no water at all!
  3. Where is your evidence for this lad!!!!!???
  4. ….that’s probably because you never go anywhere, frank.
  5. ...errrrr, cos WE ARE PAYING????? don't think too much, Richard, you will give yourself a migraine!
  6. ...tell more facts. cos that's what they are!
  7. ......what the hell have I just read?????
  8. Caught out by who, you?? Dream on kid.. Colin.
  9. Review it by all means! I am open to any and all forms of criticism.. (unlike the thais, cough cough ..)
  10. Richard. I have come to the conclusion that you are by no means as smart as you portray.. You are just another keyboard warrior.. Next!
  11. You think you're clever, but you're not. Which AI app are you using to construct your replies on the fly?...
  12. Can you show me in any of the t's & c's of any ride hailing app where it says that there is a delay in the review process?
  13. Nothing about that.
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