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  1. Only an idiot goes to a country like Thailand and carries on with bad behaviour thinking they have the same rights as back home in a country that's high on corruption.
  2. They have this in Malaysia and it's never more than 30 seconds to get through the e-gates now. I'm all for it if it reduces the waiting from 30-50 mins to seconds. You'll soon need an "authorization to travel" before entering most countries which is annoying, but if it makes for a speedy entry after a long flight it's worth it.
  3. It's hard to call Japan expensive compared to Thailand. A budget stay in Japan is far more confortable than an medium cost stay in Thailand. You can rent a nice flat in Osaka for $20 a night and it'll be well built and organised. Something of the same cost in Bangkok is often poorly built and half broken (even if it was only built a few years ago). It's cold for the winter and houses have no insulation, but at least you can walk on the streets without them being a deathtrap and choking on the fumes. Food is a bit more expensive, but far higher quality. Although stuff like grapes is crazy expensive as it's grown for beauty and gifting. Police is probably similar in both countries and you don't want to get on their wrong side when you're a foreigner. The dream is to live between the two and make the most of the different benefits they both have.
  4. He should be deported back to Poland and banned from the UK. Doubt he's ever paid any tax and has used a fortune in tax payers money.
  5. British weather really isn't that bad. Never that cold and never that hot. Lots of beautiful countryside. Worth escaping at least for Jan-March although that's when Thailand has air so toxic most days that it's advised not to breathe. The spring and summer in the UK is pretty nice. The dream is splitting your time between various and getting to enjoy the best of many different places.
  6. If they want to streamline immigration they should have e-gates like Malaysia. Has never taken more than 90 seconds to get through there. Thailand usually about 40 mins.
  7. It's nearly 2bn a year the UK exports to Thailand. United Kingdom Exports to Thailand Value Year Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers $605.29M 2023 Electrical, electronic equipment $287.88M 2023 Vehicles other than railway, tramway $161.17M 2023 Aluminum $85.84M 2023 Pearls, precious stones, metals, coins $82.65M 2023 Pulp of wood, fibrous cellulosic material, waste $69.08M 2023 Pharmaceutical products $66.83M 2023 Optical, photo, technical, medical apparatus $66.42M 2023 https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/exports/thailand
  8. When there's children with 1 Thai parent and one non-Thai parent it's very pot luck and time consuming to decide what the child will be charged. Usually they'll go off how they look and if they look Thai enough.
  9. The idea that Thailand isn't reliant on the West is crazy. Direct export to the west is huge with the US being the biggest partner by far, indirect export stuff like circuits that are used by China, Japan etc to then export to the west is also huge. https://oec.world/en/profile/country/tha
  10. Should be a flat 10% tax like Bulgaria. The LTV working visa with it's flat tax of 17% is too high for what you get back in return.
  11. I think she's got in trouble with working for Thai brands and companies while in Thailand. That's very much a grey area that the rules aren't clear on - especially for something as loosely defined as an influencer. Quite different to a digital nomad who works in Thailand and has no business with any Thai entities.
  12. 5 now dead. A Brit has died, 28 year old lawyer.
  13. 4 dead and 5 still on life support, all over a free shot. I can see this really hitting the tourism in SEA for years to come. Europeans and Aussies becoming aware of just how dangerous it can be over here and how appalling standards are.
  14. The amount of people that actually split their time between 3 or more countries and never stay more than 180 days a year in one country is really really small. It's not what the CRS is set up for and it's not even a secondary focus, let alone a main focus. If you're a tax resident of nowhere and your home country doesn't have rules to claim it then that's not tax evasion.
  15. Thailand should in theory have access to all your bank account information within CRS. Always keeping logs of where you spend days, days worked, money received is important regardless of if you have a Thai tax ID or not as banks or governments could ask for this info.
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