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Everything posted by SenDog

  1. You won’t get Xanax on prescription. That’s why people go black market. I use RLam Xanax from India for when I’m flying because I’m terrified of flying. I buy them online. even if you could get something similar, your doctor won’t prescribe many. People just end up hooked on them.
  2. Xanax are definitely used recreationally. Benzos in general are absolutely huge in the uk.
  3. The benzo market is huge in the uk. These bars won’t contain any alprazolam (Xanax) at all. Usually it’s another benzo like flubromazolam or Broalprazolam or similar. Pretty hard to tell a difference but the real raw powder is almost impossible to buy. Raws used to be sourced from china but I believe sale now via the black market carries the death penalty there. The reason Pfizer will be upset about it is because the bars look identical to the Pfizer bars. Or how they used to look anyway.
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