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Global Rant

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Everything posted by Global Rant

  1. Oriental Rat Snake, harmless but I am not going anyplace close as they have sharp teeth and can cause severe bleeding. These creatures may be worshiped by many, but they are a threat to humans despite the fact that they do regulate green spaces of pests as they feed on frogs, lizards, rats and other nuisances. Respect nature and it's balance of course, but no where close to where I am.
  2. Europe "thanks" to the ruling gang in Bruxelles is a puppet of America and is slowly but surely, destroying european identity, safety and prosperity.
  3. I would also ban her. Not for her pro Palestinian stance as what is being done in Gaza and the West Bank with American support is totally disgusting and unacceptable. I would ban Greta Thungberg or jail her for her provoking radical and anarchist positions regarding the climate, leading to social instability and public turmoil.
  4. The oversized ego of the westerner sexpat does care even if not admitted.
  5. On the other hand with all the Harvard scandals with alleged bribe money paid by rich and powerful to push in their dumb teens into the College, not sure the top so-called ivy leagues of America are any better.
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