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Bangkok Black

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  1. I saw this on the Yamaha Finn Facebook group. The rider gets off the bike, with no number plate. no surprise there!! And runs off to get the rocks, throws them at the pickup truck, and then rides off like a big man does.
  2. Good old Prachin Buri and the 304 road in the news. Again for all the wrong but usual reasons. That section of the 304 is usually truck rollover alley with brake fade the common reason. I have driven that section a few times and like most of the 304 some of it is in a poor condition. As for the coaches (where I am from its a coach not a bus, a bus wouldn't be that type of body) I have seen in the recent past a convoy of 10 coaches just like the crashed coach on the 304. All driving in the outside lane and refusing to move over. They caused miles of tail backs. Other times I have used the 304 I have seen coaches bellowing black smoke and others that just should not be on the road. But nobody cares Give it a week and this crash will be forgotten about just like the coach that caught fire last year. Then wait for the next big crash..........
  3. Nobody cares. Thats it. Nothing will change.Move along,next story
  4. I see these minivans daily being driven badly; these incidents aren't a surprise
  5. I have a Wise card and will be taking that and may also change some cash at swampy on the way out. I have Torguard VPN
  6. As I said its a paid trip. All I need is some spending money.
  7. Thanks I will check out AIS
  8. Febuary my wife and I will be going to China for 5 days. It is a paid-for trip with flights, hotels and tours and part of a group trip. I have applied and had my visa application approved.I just have to collect it on the 10th of Feb in Bangkok. Has anyone here been to China recently? i have a few questions. Did you change money in Thailand at Super rich or in China? I have a Wise card, did you use your Wise card in China? Does it work? Mobile phone, Does AISor DTAC work there? Or did you rely on Wi-FI ? I am a UK passport holder and have a thai work permit, did you have any problems with immigration going/coming back to Thailand and in China? Any tips and advice are welcome.
  9. I can get bitten all over by mosquitoes, those small sand flies and you name it. And I do mean all over ,: head, neck,fingers , hands, arms legs,feet. It usually starts when I leave the house within 10 seconds of stepping outside.I am not joking. I don't get left alone; my wife can't believe how bad I get it. When we are out somewhere and spot a nice place to eat for example usually I cant go there if it means sitting outside.
  10. I used the MRT and BTS twice this week instead of the NMAX to get some free rides.
  11. Riding against the flow of traffic eh, standard riding allover Thailand but they never learn
  12. A Common problem with Nmaxis the ABS pump going wrong.A pricey item to buy. When you look on facebook market place a lot of bikes i have seen have the ABS warning light on. Also, you see a lot with the engine management light on and when on the centre stand the back wheel will spin very fast and the engine has a knocking noise. Look at the photos of bikes for sale carefully ,also ask the seller if the ABS works.
  13. you could get one of those USB hub thingies I got one for my laptop, it goes in a USB slot and has 4 USB ports, problem solved. You can get ones with more ports if you want
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