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  1. Hi all, has there been any change on this ? is it still going to be hard to open a Thai bank account ?
  2. Hi all, so I was planning to get my Non O visa in the UK and fly out next month, the intention was to get the 1 year extension on this trip.... given all these issues is it now going to be impossible ? I didn't intend on using an agent and I was going to try and sort it myself...
  3. regarding the tax credit, do we deduct it from the tax owed prior to submission or do we pay the tax and TRD provide refund ? thanks
  4. Can we use the tax credits and deduct from how much we owe ? or do we have to pay the total owed and wait for the tax credits to be paid back by the TRD ? If so, how confident is everyone that they will pay this back ?
  5. from my limited knowledge trying to figure all this out, the capital gains from an ISA is taxable in Thailand. Also, the DTA may cover some of the pension tax, but the UK tax free allowance is also taxable in Thailand. As for transferring to spouse, this needs to be fully documented and proved that you won't benefit from it... I really hope I'm wrong, I'm from the UK and in similar situation...
  6. I might go to Thailand for 89 days after my redundancy kicks in, on a 90 day Non O visa, and then come back to UK for 90 days. Then at the end of the year come for another 90 days on a Non O and then get my year extension. Only problem is I plan to get a condo on a one year lease, on the first trip, but it will then remain empty for the 90 days I'm back in the UK... not sure if it's worth it or should i just come this year for 180+ and figure out/pay any tax due...
  7. thanks yes, I'm aware of the tax differences, for me I'm happy to swallow that. Looking at the calendar, I think it's actually July 5th I should move over 🙂
  8. wrong thread for this 🙂 but, as long as she doesn't live in or make use of the property, (even beyond 7 years), there won't be any tax. Oh, and it must have been her main residence.
  9. If the property was gifted to you over 7 years ago, then there is no UK tax liability.
  10. The fact that there is a DTA with UK, does this mean any income I'm taxed on in the UK, eg. Pension, Rent, interest , dividends etc, is exempt from taxation in Thailand ? I understand that the tax free UK personal allowance is taxable in Thailand and 25% pension lump sum is also taxable. I also know tax credits can also be used. I'm in UK now going through redundancy, and the plan was to move over in the next couple of months. I have no problem in getting a tax ID, however, if Thailand tax's me on income I've already been taxed on, I'm seriously reconsidering my move...
  11. Is there another thread for these Tax question but only for the Brits ? It's great seeing everyone else's input and how this may/may not affect them, but there is also a lot of unnecessary noise... thanks
  12. I've just read the whole of this thread... omg lol. However there were large chunks I ignored based on particularly salty entries from some... I'm interested to see what the crowd of YouTubers have to say about this once they've filed their returns for 2024. My guess is that they'll keep quiet and keep under the radar, as I expect most will be impacted... shame really, as we'd get a better insight.
  13. This is a good point, never thought of keeping the investment in home country (UK) for me, invested correctly would help a lot. Could you let me know which agent you used please? and if possible cost ? thanks
  14. Would it be better to have a self assessment ? so that you can prove what tax is already paid in UK ?
  15. thanks yes, I've been keeping an eye on that, and have given myself enough of a buffer
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