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  1. 60 days waiver mentioned again. Do they even know that any of these troublemakers were on a 60 day waiver anyway? Probably not and even if they were, they would have caused trouble whether they were on 60 days, 30 days, or here on a non B, etc. there is no relevance whatsoever. Complete nonsense
  2. Russian gangsters and Russian harden criminals stay here on a ed visa. Nonsense!
  3. Boasting about being a grass. Unless the crime in his home country had done harm to other people then fair enough but if not I don't know why you would be gloating about being a snitch
  4. Utter nonsense. where are you getting that figure from? You've just made that up. you plucked it out of the air. How has 60 days waiver increased crime. It has no relevance on crime at all.
  5. What's wrong with people doing border runs? how do you know they haven't got good intentions? There might be many reasons that border runs suit them. Why do you think just because people are using border runs they must be wrong uns?
  6. I've never understood this statement. Yes, the fact that the majority of tourists only have 21 days or less could well be true but what harm is it doing the TTAA to allow people who do want to stay longer than 21 days? The Thai Travel agents association make this announcement but don't actually say why they're against it. the supposed general reason is an increase of crime which anyone with any sense knows is nonsense. But the thai travel agents association can't comment on that as that isn't anything to do with them. Only the authorities who deal with crime who can comment on that. It amazes me they're against it. Surely they want more tourists and to promote Thailand. Classic Thai logic or is it they would just have more work to do if it encourages more tourists to come. Thais aren't exactly the hardest working nation on the planet🤔
  7. Possibly but I'm pretty sure when it comes to visa rules or visa waivers i think most countries make a rule and stick to it for at least a few years if not longer. Not change their mind after less than a year.
  8. Your first sentence is incorrect really as i agree Thais never admit mistakes but they won't see it as a mistake. So, they will change it back as they're always doing that on decisions
  9. People commenting on here that people need to pre-plan their holidays but Thais don't think like that because they don't pre-plan anything. Their whole lives is making decisions at the last minute so they think everyone has the same mindset as them. It's extremely frustrating and it baffles me that mindset and I'll never get used to it. But unfortunately it's how they are. It will never change.
  10. Fair enough i apologize . I stand corrected. The usual visa madness of Thailand then. cuz it you apply for it in Thailand you need to have proof of 200k bt. What's the difference of having to prove you have the finances if you're in Thailand but in the Uk you don't have to. Strange.
  11. "Now you think they've flipped?" Because they always listen to the minority. It's the way of the world these days.
  12. Apart from proof of 200k in your bank. which is a financial need. So, your statement is false.
  13. So, You're a Plymouth fan but have the Spurs badge as your profile pic🤔. Typical Pompey beat leeds on that Sunday before and then get beaten by the team at the bottom of the table (no offence😆)
  14. Do real hardened criminals come to Thailand more because of a 60 day waiver? or wouldn't hardened criminals have fake passports, documents, etc? It's comical that a career criminal would come to a country because of a 60 day waiver. Do pissed up louts start fights because of a 60 day waiver or would they be starting fights whether they was on a 2 week holiday, 30 day waiver, 60 day waiver, etc,etc. Do people work here illegally because there is now a 60 day waiver instead of 30 days. who is coming over to Thailand to work for just 60 days? Are criminals involved in property scams flooding Thailand because they can now stay 60 days instead of 30? Not one of their reasons makes any sense. Or is the real reason is.....it's because a certain amount of Thais started moaning that foreigners were here longer than 30 days without a visa and they can't stand the idea of more falangs being in their country for any longer than they should be.
  15. He should be banned for 5 years if he brings it😁
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