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Posts posted by off-the-wall

  1. Gosh why are you so hard on this guy...

    I think it's still better than some other options

    ...think of it, he could become a real estate agent...

    he doesn't steal the money... if someone is stupid enough to belive him and to give him money

    or simply has too much money and gives him some of it ... I think it's ok...

  2. Ok i found some stuff about the bikehash.

    looks nice. thanks for the advice

    i didnt even know what a hash was before...

    i wont be on time for the january hash but maby ill make it to the febuary hash in kaeng kachan (probably spelld that one wrong huh?)

    sad its only once a month... since im not from bangkok its a bit more dificuilt to make it to a hash 200km north of bkk

    but there still is the HuaHin bikehash...

  3. I left that area for greener pastures. Will be back though.

    I'm not that good with english phrases...

    this means you went somewhere that you like better than Hua-Hin ?

    Try the other Hua Hin forum, it is run by a local and has lots of activity.

    Other ? can you give me a link ?


    To be perfectly honest, your attitude in your first post put me off. You came over as somewhat arrogant & your second post didn't make you sound any better. I may be reading it totally wrong, in which case, I apologise, but any other of my fellow HH residents who read your posts may just have read them the same as me. Just my thoughts... :D

    ahm... sorry

    I didn't mean to sound arrogant

    maby it's just my command of the english language...

    or my sense of humor

    and possiby both combined...

    actually i am a friendly and rather shy guy... :D

    shy beeing the reason I didn't try to meet people before... but I'm trying to come over myself now.

    I enjoy Cycling. How's that as an alternative to hanging around a bar (NOT that I have a proplem with someone hanging at a bar !!!) :o (lol they have funny smileys here)


  4. Hi...

    I lived in Hua-Hin for 1 1/2 jears...

    if you live in HuaHin you might have seen me at some time...

    I don't hang around bars or something like that... but come on, Hua-Hin is small

    I am blond, about 180, I drive a campagne colour Ford pickup and have a very pretty girlfriend :o

    also... I guess I am pretty joung for Hua-Hin... most falang here are twice my age.

    at the moment i am in germany but i will be back in Hua-Hin soon.

    During my last stay I kind of avoided meeting people... but this time I'd like to meet some ppl.

    I will be kind of buissy when I come (or so i hope, because if i'm not, that means somethings gone wrong)

    but maby we can meet up some time...

    I'd love to hear storrys about your expierience in the LOS

    drop a line here, or PM me if you like

  5. Ok this sounds kind of obvious...

    but did you try turing HOLD on and off ?

    dont tuch the scroll wheel while you do it.

    the way the wheel works is: it measures the electric current of your finger.

    when you turn hold off it recalibrates itself

    I had exactly the same problem with my iPod...

    another guy sugessted washing (CAREFULL!!!!!!!!!!!) the wheel with normal soap.

    another one sugessted massaging the wheel with some hard but not too hard object (CAREFULL AGAIN the wheel is very sensitive DO NOT SCATCH IT!!!) he sugested to use a plastik pencap.

    (not my fault if you ruin your iPod if it goes wrong)

    I did both of these things before i got the idea to turn hold on and off (after i read the electricety thing somewhere) so i dont knwo which of these things actually did the job...

    good luck


  6. While living in Thailand a German can drive in Germany with Thai-licence combined with the Thai IDP.

    For emperor_tud it might be too late, upon return the IDP still can be used for 6 months and than the German driving test must be passed.

    So these 6 months 'training' save taking expensive driving lessons.

    yea thats what i want to do !

    so is it easy to aply for a THAI!!! international DL

    is it done at the same office as the normal license ?

    do i need some sort of test for getting it ? (I am talking about the, INTERNATIONAL THAI DL)

    can I aply for both at the same time ?

  7. Hi I want to know if and how i can get a Thai International DL if I am not realy living in Thailand

    My situation is as follows:

    -I have lived in thailand for 1 1/2 jears.

    -Now i am in germany.

    -I will soon go back to thailand on an Non-I Visa

    -In thailand I want to apply for a Thai International DL (for motorcycles).

    With this, I can aply for a german motorcycle license without paying 3000$ or more for training.

    If all this works I could drive motorcycles in germany... :o

    Thanks off-the-wall

  8. Hi

    I have a Ford Ranger PickUp HighRider XLT with an "OpenCab"

    it has a 2.5 L Turbo engine, manual, CD Radio, (artificial)Leather, seats etc...

    I bought it New in 2005 (May or June)

    Now I am looking into selling it...

    1. where do i get a good price ? where should I sell it ?

    2. any guess how much I might get ?

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