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Everything posted by BAKABAS

  1. Dear Members, My father in law passed away a month ans now the fangs are coming out by his sisters, my wifes untys ( the lealous and vindictive ones ) My wife ans i helped him purchase his land a build his home. My wife has been finacially providing for him for many years . One of his sisters snuck nim off to do a will which no one knew about. The jealous dragon one. This has onlt come to light a week after his passing. We were hoping to pass the place down to his son, my wifes brother, who is also a farmer and is on the house book. I wish to engage a solictor in Nakorn Ratchasima to fight this in justice. They have dollar signs in thier eyes. Frankly one days income for me here in Austalia is equivalent to the entire value. Its not about that, its about putting these bitches in thier place and making sure the home and land go to my brother in law who fits the bill to take it on. He drove out to see him monthy, to check on him and taking our cash to help hm out. Does anyone have any expereince in leagl matters similar to this ? Can anyone steer us to a solicitor around Pakchong area ? The immdeiate family would be very grateful for any thoughts. Admin : please move to approrite forum Thanks all,
  2. I heard pommys have short ones . Ill be right . Ausiies can manage
  3. Thanks NaLaew, makes a lot of sense . I’m in the same page. Marriott has admitted they should have been more proactive and I waiting for a refund . Diligence should start with yourself , however at the end of the day , if you book with an establishment like the Marriot , one would expect they have protocols in place to fix regardless of staffing issues .
  4. So those of you that have travelled a bit this year will understand somewhat. This post is to help those who are planning to travel , to try and shed some light on problems . By all means correct me if I’m wrong , also feel free to contribute your experience this year to date . well , I never thought I’d do a layover flight , but here I am stuck at Hong Kong airport. Why ? Well I had to go to Thailand for a funeral and the only way to get here quick was a one way “ stocking filler “ tickets on Thai Air . the problem is returning. I searched high and low for tickets back before next Monday. The fastest was $7,400 AUD per ticket . The next best was $3,300 for a flight via Phuket , BUT I was too late by the time I got my credit card out . So here I go , 3 hours on the PC . Trying to get home . So…. I opted to spend $1700 for 2 tickets ! With the savings I guessed I’d be earning ( saving ) $200 per hour via Hong Kong . Things are going swimmingly, then we land. To be told I cannot go down the road 3 klm to the motel and I must stay in the airport, it made me think of a Tom Hanks movie . Cannot leave the airport . Not allowed too . here is the kicker , the booking I made with Marriot didn’t mention that HKG was closed , yet they still took my money gladly . I even called the hotel and they said no problem , we can sort a early morning taxi out for you . I now realise it’s probably some punk in the USA or Phillipines that is just making things up on the fly . None the less, I feel it was the person and their website that should have advised me , not the airport staff . there you go . So I’m out of pocket $300 for the hotel, but I’m still ahead. I guess the moral to this story / article / whine is to not assume the rest of the world is open like Thailand. Don’t assume the airlines are craving for your custom , as they are becoming over whelmed . And lastly , triple check your iterneary. I got lazy and took someone’s encouragement on the end of the phone . ( after all it was the Marriott, I thought ) I can rant on about the finer issues such as the baggage loss issues with split flights and delays , etc , but I’d only be guessing . In conclusion, In this current climate 1. book direct flight return trips. 2. Make sure you pay more for a flexible flight as poo is happening out there. 3. If you do book one way , then don’t expect a short notice return flight that’s reasonable . my experience to date after doing 10 trips this year is it’s only getting more hectic , not better . The Big squeeze is on making up their money by those lost years. Be bloody careful people .
  5. Yea , we have a home here . Or should I say she has our home here. Closing the door is an option but I got a whole lot of loving . ????
  6. Hey fellow romantics, I won’t deny it I’m feeling a little left out here. We offered to take the family to the beach . For personal reasons It’s been a big week here for everyone. So why not ? problem is , we booked at our fav spot and bloody heck ! My wife get us a room next to the family and then leaves the door in between open . After a week in the land of love , I feel neglected and need a bit of loving. I get the “ marry a Thai and you marry the family “ bit . But come on , has she lost the desire at 43 ? Or am I a selfish farang. name me some of the rules you have put in place ???
  7. After last nights turf war which now after 15 years is suddenly happening right at my gate , I am looking around ! Will stay near Packchong for the family. while I got you on this topic , are the snakes all year round ? Which ones should be moved on ? cheers mate
  8. Then there would be no whining left in the UK ???? Define a UK male ? Most are economic refugees ?
  9. I understand how Thai people tolerate dogs . But as a westerner wanting to build here , it’s time to rethink where to build to get always from the local dogs. Especially the 2:30am show of turf protection that put on . Not even earplugs can help. Any thoughts and experiences in this topic would help .
  10. Hi , did you ever find out the answer ?
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