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  1. That's not what I want to know. The question here is only if the accused has worked for 20 years at a Thai university (I.e. until the age of 62). If we know the institution, we can ask there. It was given as an argument for his innocence,and I doubt that it is valid.
  2. Ok, than let me know the university and I check it.
  3. How likely is it that a man just shrugs his shoulders and says: "Ok, she ran away with someone else"? I also doubt that he worked at a Thai university "for 20 years", he might have done that briefly (common retirement age here was 60 until recently). Anyway, the main disappointment seems to be the lack of engagement of her family to push the search from the beginning. This would not be atypical for Thais, in my mind it is some sort of autism. If I'd disappear, my family would most probably stir up a lot of trouble. Thus this may be another example of how low some Thai think of the individual human life.
  4. What does he mean with settling the issue "Iike in Pattaya"? Just yesterday I had to respond to an urgent call while on the street. A group of bikers (in this case foreigners, too) arrived and I couldn't understand a word anymore. Imagine you are in an emergency situation. This is common in Pattaya and also a potential risk, as you can't hear any other vehicles approaching etc. There are several Thais doing it all year round without obviously being bothered much. The police is too lazy and weak in that respect. At traffic lights/crossroads those bikers could easily be fined but when do you see it happening? The policeman will usually not leave his booth for it.
  5. This is an exchange of information of TAX AUTHORITIES. So as I said your bank will not disclose what you took from your account at home to the Thai authority. The Thai tax authority will just check back with your tax authority at home what your ID is and what you have paid etc. This is totally understandable. I attach my tax declaration to my visa application for years now anyway, this is a requirement for the income confirmation by my consulate. But it is never from the recent year because we have other deadlines at home. I see a problem there.
  6. I wonder if a foreign bank, asked to hand out data to Thailand or elsewhere, will not at least need proof of a criminal investigation. Even then I guess they would first check back with their home tax department if the credit card holder has paid his taxes. And if so, why would they comply, knowing of double tax treaties?
  7. When using a professional, we have at least 14 months to file our papers at home (e.g. until February 2026 for the year 2024). In Thailand it is only 3 months. So how could this ever work, as proof of tax paid at home is always a year late? Furthermore: Where exactly is it written (in the Royal Gazette?) that credit card usage counts? This contradicts the "transferring income" wording, as the money is actually taken from a foreign account, not a Thai account. Did anyone ask for proof?
  8. A soldier scamming a policeman? 555. Nowadays it seems to be popular with Thai women to claim relationships with Pattaya police. Psychologically that could be read as an admission of guilt.
  9. You don't even need 30.000 € to bring a corpse home, and any decent insurance would have covered it, as do many credit cards. Sorry for their loss, and sorry for all those cries for financial help.
  10. It happened because the youngsters went to Switzerland and couldn't find the purple cow.
  11. You pay them for sex. You can still get it for 1,000.Baht. If you pay for travel costs and food (which they would have to do themselves after short time), two f...s per day should get you a discount and total costs amount to s.th. like 1,600 USD. But: I bet most customers (considering their average age) do not have 60 f..s per month with the same woman. So it's a bad deal. Not to mention the other amount given in the article.
  12. Who the hell pays 1600 USD to stay with a Thai for a month?

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