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  1. Wind up merchant? Not sure what that actually means. Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it isn't a thing. The universe we live in is multidimensional. There are people out there who understand how it works but the majority don't. Think of dimensions as energetic frequencies. If you can change your frequency you can change dimensions. its a bit like changing the tuner on a radio dial - each station is separated by those frequencies. The same principle exists in the universe. There are many dimensions. On earth we are locked into one frequency. Its possible to change frequencies using meditation. Some people use drugs like DMT to do it also. Some species can change frequencies on the fly. Others can do it using advanced technology. The universe isn't what most people think it is. Usually what happens is people mock what they don't understand. That makes it easier to deal with the unknown.
  2. Interesting how all the comments seem to mock this story. I have been working with paranormal phenomenon for years and this house sounds fascinating. Its unlikely this energy is a black hole, at least not in the way most people understand black holes. It sounds like a multi dimensional portal . I wonder how long it has been there. Most likely well before the house was built anyway. I have encountered many portals and other energetic phenomenon. There are a select few who can actually sense this energy with a kind of built in radar. The bigger question is what can happen after being exposed to the energy or walking into the vortex. It may be possible to look into other time lines or even travel through the portal ( I think traversing it would depend on the person and their own psychic abilities. It might also be similar to the bermuda triangle vortex where in certain conditions people passed through the vortex but had no way to return. Clearly people have experiences some interesting effects being in close proximity. I want to go check this out - does anyone know the address - that road is a very long one......
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