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  1. Why I cannot/will not do screenshots is none of your concern. Of course I know HOW to do screenshots. Yet again you are making incorrect assumptions. Swiping with 3 fingers is not universal, so why are you stating that it IS?
  2. Wise accounts are available to people in many different countries and the configurations ARE different. Also, the app for people with iPhones is most likely different. The PWA/webapp will also be different (curtailed). You didn't specify what you were using. That's why I said (repeatedly) that what you have available to you may be different.
  3. My app may be different. On the main EUR balance page exactly half way down the page, there is a horizontal bar with 2 options on it: 'TRANSACTIONS' and 'OPTIONS'. Click on the 'OPTIONS' if you have it. Everything else follows from there. Sorry I can't do a screenshot, which would make it a bit easier.
  4. @CallumWK I'm assuming that the Wise app you use is the same as mine. 'Jars' are what Wise calls any account you create to separate an amount of cash from the main currency accounts used to transfer & receive money. Say I wanted to set aside some EUR from my main EUR balance, so I have EUR cash to pay for my annual health insurance. I scroll horizontally on the cash balances on the homepage until I see a + sign allowing a new 'balance' to be created. When I hit the + sign I'm given the option to 'open a balance' or 'open a jar'. 'Balance' is for to create another account in a different currency. 'Jar' is what I use to split off some EUR cash to budget for my next insurance bill. To move some cash into one of the money-market funds & get interest on my EUR, I click on my main EUR account balance, then click on 'options'. On the next menu, click 'earn' & I'm given the choice INTEREST or STOCKS or CASH. I choose INTEREST to start the process and what I get at the end is another 'jar', except this one is for EUR which earns interest in the Blackrock fund. Apologies for the long-winded reply!
  5. @CallumWK About 2 months ago, I transferred some USD, GBP & EUR across from my regular accounts to the interest-bearing 'jars'. So far, all is good. The first time you transfer, Wise creates a new jar. You will have to go through some tax declarations at first but even if Wise was set up with an UK/European address, you can fill out the declarations as being resident in Thailand. No withholding tax so far. Once the jar is set up, you can transfer freely to/from the jar and interest, etc is all very clear. Wise warn that there may be a couple of days delay transferring money back to your main cash account, but so far my 2 transfers back have been instant. The charges are as advertised and are debited once a month for each jar but the mildly irritating thing is that they are actually charged to the main account, not to the jar itself. All the above refers to the 'interest only' option and not to their option for to add your money to a fund. Funds bear a lot of added risk and I do my trading through a broker, not in my 'safe' Wise accounts. The above was my experience. Yours might be different 'YMMV'.
  6. @Delta Shift Thanks for the report on True Money, which was helpful. I've been too lazy to look into it myself, but was interested. A couple of questions, if you don't mind: Assuming you use an Android phone, is it a standalone app that you use, or does it work through 'Google Wallet'? (Google Wallet won't work on my phone). Are there any extra charges to either load it with money or for purchases? How about 7/11 loading charges? Thanks!
  7. Pixels aren't sold in Thailand, at least not officially in shops. I bought my Pixel 6 & 7 here through Lazada and the new Pixel 9 on Shopee. It's always a bit of a gamble buying that way. Also, they come with the regular android OS loaded, so you still need to either install GOS yourself or get a phone repair shop to help. Also, new pixels are expensive, so unless you really need one of the latest models, it might be better to go for model 6 or 7, rather than the newer ones. If you search the internet, you can get pixels with GOS pre-installed but you might have to order from Singapore or the USA. I haven't looked but I imagine you might be able to buy a Pixel older model 'reconditioned' and for sale with GOS preinstalled. You just might have to pay the duty on it when it arrives. There are several sellers around the world who ship phones with similar but not identical privacy/security type Operating Systems. Some sell other brand-name phones, but a lot stick with the Pixel models, because it has the most secure hardware and it is still designed so another OS (ROM) can be easily installed. I had a phone with CalyxOS on it and I was very happy with it. Best to do a web search for what's available if you're open to an alternative to Graphene/Pixel. Sorry, I'm not being much help, but I just haven't found anything here in CM or within Thailand, but then I've been fairly comfortable ordering online & installing GOS myself after delivery.
  8. Shops will not be able to install GrapheneOS because it is not a Pixel phone. Pixels will show the 'Google' logo as they boot up. The GrapheneOS ROM cannot be installed on any other phone without re-writing some of the code, which breaks the security of the OS, so the phone cannot get through boot-up. There are ways around this but it takes a lot of coding. In the end, what you would have is no longer GrapheneOS. I honestly don't think you will be able to get Lineage working either as the shop will need the model details and then they have to search the web for a ROM (an image file of an Operating System) which was created specifically for that model. You can get the make & model by going to the phone settings, scroll down to 'About Phone' and tapping on it. I haven't been there in a while but the old 'Computer Plaza' (and Icon IT behind it) would be a good place to start, if it still exists. It's on Maninoppharat Road. Otherwise, there are lots of phone repair shops in the Santitham area.
  9. GrapheneOS is fairly simple to install. The GrapheneOS website has an install page which you just follow step-by-step. It can only be installed on a Pixel phone so that's the main issue. If the phone was bought on a deal with one of the phone operators, it will probably also be locked to that operator. To install GOS, you'll also need a windows laptop or PC and a USB cable to connect the laptop to the phone. There's one small file you need to download from google, so the laptop will see and talk to your phone, but that's also covered on the GOS webpage (which you need to follow on the laptop, not the phone!). I'd say a lot of the repair shops around CM would be happy to do it, but you're losing a big chunk of the 'security' of having GOS by letting someone else mess with your phone like that. I've looked at LineageOS a couple of years ago but went with GOS because it's a much better product. Even Lineage recommend GOS over their own system. Sorry I can't say much about Lineage but it's a great choice if you can't install GOS. I've installed GOS on 3 Pixels (P6P, P7P & P9P) over the last few years & I'm very happy with it. As you've had Lineage already, you'll know that there are a few compromises and you lose some of the polished and integrated operation of a Pixel with a full Google system installed. So all the above drivel is just to say that it's fairly easy (and a lot safer) to just do it yourself using their online instructions.
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