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  1. Equally hard to see why the driver didn't not see the pedestrian. May the driver was driving at excessive speed, or intoxicated or both. Or just didn't care.
  2. Can you elaborate, remove from elections and force a coup. What has that got to go do with dealing with people who are refugees or fleeing oppression?
  3. Somebody who drives around the country with their eyes closed.
  4. Don't give them ideas. Xi will will use Trump's excuse to take over Canada and Greenland as an excuse and Xi will take over Thailand..
  5. Again, I did not raise the issue of accessing the NHS. My comment was aimed that the person who said people who leave the UK should lose entitlement to all of the state pension. Also I did not raise the issue of paying UK tax but since you raised it it is blatantly unfair to pay UK tax and have no benefits in return. Since I access the NHS and get the annual increase then it doesn't really concern me personally. There seems to be far to many people who begrudge older people getting anything at all. Means testing is coming, just a question of when.
  6. I didn't raise the issue of annual increases of access to the NHS, you did. I was arguing against the point that some people think that you shouldn't get the state pension at all if you don't live in the UK. So I will say again, if like I did paid NICs 54 years not be entitled to draw the state pension if not living in the UK. That is the point that some people object to. And since you raised it, if you continue to pay tax why shouldn't you be entitled to NHS and annual increases.
  7. I forgot, they had a go at Viet Nam and got their arses well and truly kicked.
  8. At least quote all that was said "hard working English Pensioners who have already have already paid into the system over many years". They were hard working when they paid the contributions. 54 years I contributed and it is so reassuring that now it is pay back time some people think I am and other pensioners are bone idle scum. There was post complaining about the poor hard up parents who send their kids to private schools having to pay 20% VAT and then there are those that think pensioners who leave the country should get **** all. What a sh**e hole the UK has become.
  9. Many non light skinned British benefit from being dual nationals. Just select the passport that is most beneficial.
  10. Tibet, India, Taiwan, South China Sea. Right no evidense at all.
  11. I made contributions for 54 years. Why the **** shouldn't I get it. Hearing aid batteries worth thousands, They are some batteries.
  12. We also have to pay tax for the Foreign Office. Is it not too much to ask that a British tax payer gets some help when they are in need of it.
  13. Used to be 44. I paid for 54 and still people begrudge you getting it.
  14. State pension is a benefit. It is the DWP by the way. It hasn't been the DSS since 2001.
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