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Posts posted by grandpa-m

  1. The last couple times fishing I have caught nice 2 lb. Pacu , I filleted them and seasoned with salt,pepper and lime juice and fried skin down for 3 min , the flesh down 3 min , then placed on a tray and placed in a 375 degree oven for 5 in , basted with bar-b-que and liquid smoke, served with Baked Pot and salad , and it was to kill for , them meat is sweet , no strong smell and all white meat , and the ribs are out of this world , if you haven't tried it do , has now become my fried fish of choice. Going back fishing tomorrow and hope to hook up with a few more and Ciejay made Thai tum yum and loved it .   


  2. One time last years i lost all my fish and could not for the life of me figure out what happened , then a few days later I was talking to the old lady down the street with Ciejay translating and see told her that one of the neighbors had gone up and down both sides of the road and sprayed pesticides and weed killer and that the whole area smelt bad for hours , sure enough I went and tasted a little water from my pond and it had chemical taste to it , check and see if anyone has been spraying in your area . By the way I went to the neighbors house and ask him to please not spray near my house , i would control the weeds my self and give me time to cover my pond with plastic , I've had to do it once when he sprayed and never lost a fish this time, I fill my pond with water from the village and It never needs enough to bother the fish and I also have a set up on one of my rain gutters with a hose that I will put in the pond when it rains and if it overflows for a bit it helps clean he pond a little. Malcolm

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  3. Put security bars on all your windows and steel screen doors for the doors and make your house a fort when you turn in for the night and when you leave . always keep the steel screen doors locked even when we are at home especially the back one . better safe than sorry , and cameras do nothing don;t waste your money anyway they will wear a mask , and you don't want to catch them , It's like catching a skunk if you get my drift , and they are sooo tense they will hurt you bad if not kill you JUST MAKE A FORT . and Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite lol

  4. Hello Jaidee, I was going to try coconut husk , but a friend said it gave bitter taste, but I found a meat plant that only uses coconut husk for all their smoked meat, so who knows ??My son has smoked lots of meat when he worked for Disney and Hard Rock as a chef and he said the only thing they used was fresh corn hush (green) so I tried it and I must say and my friends that tried a taste said it was the best , I made a homemaid smoker out of things I had around the house and on top of the almost burned out charcoal I took a bean can with the lid still attached and punched a couple of holdes in the back side with a nail and cramed in two whole corn husk I just peeled from the corn I bought at a roadside stand and laid the can on top of charcoal and let it smoke the can full lasted at very low heat (remember you're not cooking just smoking ) for a little over a hour , and filled the can a second time for a total of 3 hours and it was perfect I think I'll be using corn husk from now own.

    If you are interested I just posted a post on my blog about Making Bacon , you might want to give it a look -see Http://malcolmandciejay.blogspot.com also I have pictures of my homemade one and you can e-mail me if you want and I'll send you the pictures . Hope it turns out great mine did and I'm now curing and will smoke a belly for my friend . Good smoking Malcolm (grandpa-m

    [email protected]

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  5. thats agood one and the food is great and all the prices are really good and it's a safe and secure place to stay and in the middle of everything good choice I think. Malcolm

    Of course if you really want to stay on the river come to Wang Pho all our beautiful resorts are on the river , only 50 kil, or 25 miles down the road on hwy 323

  6. I've been here 10 years and have to check pt every month had triple by-pass wife had valve transplant and needs to check every month no matter where you are every major thai gov. hospital and all private run hospitals can do pt you don't have to be Thai citizen to go to Thai gov. hospital and are treated very well and the cost for pt is about 150 baht thats about 5 dollars try that in your country , it's no problem and instead of having to wait a day or two for results they will have it =for you in 2 hrs.

    hope this takes away all fear .

  7. keep a spray bottle of 50 --50 water and white vinager and spray everyother day or so around your window seals and screens andunder you kitchen table and under you sink , watch out for you house plants , vinager will kill them , will smell for a few min , but will go away and beside a little smell of vinage is better than ants , I've been using this method for years and works great I'm not into poisons and pesticides

  8. I think they may be Doberman Pinschers, but not sure. There are three abandoned at Khao Toe-Sae Phuket if anyone is brave enough to grab them.

    They are always hungry and I give them some food most days. They were very timid when they were pups - a few months ago - but now they are very friendly.

    I think the people who dump these dogs should be dumped on a mountain without food and see how they like it.

    I think they are part Thai ridgebacks-- some have the ridge some do not , looks a lot like my Sabu.

  9. Thanks steelepulse!

    She is college educated but did not have a job prior to being made a part owner of the building. She just graduated from Payap University in Hotel Management last spring - good grades. A far as I know her assets of any significance are solely related to her ownership of the building and yes her name is on the official paperwork. I do not know about the tabien baan though I doubt she is on it as this just happened in the last year. I can find out if necessary. She took a lot of this paperwork (school transcript, marriage certificate, apartment ownership agreement, round trip plane tickets, etc.) with her for her interview but some of it was in Thai and most of it the guy just rifled through it without paying attention.

    As far as what your friend said I agree. My other brother was a visa consul 20 years ago and says that if you catch someone having a good day then you may get lucky! By the way we have contacted him and he has no additional ideas nor can he pull strings anymore.


    If she is Thai she can have a interview with a Thai interviewer and she can speak in that during her interview. Grandpa M

  10. Ciejay and Me have lived in the small village of whang Pho now for 5 1/2 years and love it , I'm the only American around for miles and we live 25 miles from Kanchanaburi where my American brother -in -law and his Thai wife live my Thai wife's sister and we have a Thai brother -in -law and sister -in law that live a few 100 feet or so from us . When we visited here we found this Thai house that had been built 7 years before and the folks had divorced and it had sit vacant for all those years (you know the bad Karma thing ) well we bought it and remodled it and moved in 5 1/2 years ago and I have to say i have never been so happy in my life . I love the village life with all it's smell , noises and customs would not trade it for the world and you can if you like read about it on my blog Retired in Thailand and loving It @ http://malcolmandciejay.blogspot.com, I think you might enjoy it .

    One of my first post covers remodeling Grandpa-m Malcolm



  11. Ciejay and Me have used a amway system for 5 years and never a problem the unit lets you know when you need to change the filter and ultra light pretty fool proof and you can taste the difference from other types of bottled eater and filters I strongly recommend it . Grandps -m

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