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John Smith 777

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  1. Newly laid sandwash one month old, these photographs were taken after our first rainfall, which has shown these potential cracks. I need to know what went wrong here please, so in the event they are prepared to redo it, it does not happen again.
  2. I made a Paragon back up, it is on a separate disk from my (C:) drive, this was done of Paragon's free software. Following my Windows 11 re-installation, I downloaded and installed Paragon Backup and Recovery 18 Community Edition. I have also downloaded and installed Paragon Paragon SOF on a memory stick. It in turn has located the backup that I with to re-install. In trying to install this backup I get as far as View backup contents, Browse backup contents and view disk layout. Now clicking on any of the disks >, also Files and Folders nothing happens, no drop downs appear. I can go no further, could somebody please advise as to what I should do next?
  3. Thank you for this. Can't remember it being the advanced version, as I did not pay for it, so it's the Paragon Free Backup & Recoevery.
  4. My hard disk was corrupted, and Windows 11 had to be reinstalled. I now wish to reinstall this image backup that I made on Paragon.
  5. Hi, A million to one somebody is using or has experience in using Paragon's backup software. Although I have successfully created an image backup on a separate hard disk, I have had no experience in actually reinstalling it, and to be honest looking at what is require I find it somewhat daunting. Could anybody help me, or know those who can?
  6. Hi, A million to one somebody here on the island is using or has experience in using Paragon's backup software. Although I have successfully created an image backup on a separate hard disk, I have had no experience in actually reinstalling it, and to be honest looking at what is require I find it somewhat daunting. Could anybody help me, or know those who can?
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